Thursday, October 27, 2016

Adventures in high mountains seeking enlightenment

Long ago, my father was greatly impressed by Shirley MacLaine's (sp?) book Out on a Limb,
where she described how she followed a gure/shama in the high Andes of Peru who at one point asked her to follow him on a narrow (half-meter) rock trail with a huge cliff drop off right next to her, where she could easily die by slipping just once. As I read it I said: "Nice story, but I would never follow such a guru, as his request would be enough to make me question his wisdom." Many years later, my wife Ludmilla dragged me and our small son on a trail in Crimea which was in fact much scarier, more like eight inches, loose dirt, tilting towards really impressive jagged teeth and whirlpools to our right... But back to the kinder, gentler world of the Andes, which Luda and I visited Sept. 30 - Oct 15.

Before the trip, I joked at Quakers: "A majority of Quakers revere our father in heaven. But many also deeply revere the earth. What do you call those Quakers who seriously connect to the earth?
Earthquakers, of course." Well, there actually has been an interesting bit of earthquaking lately, so maybe it's time to 'fess up and post a message which I sent a few days ago to the most interesting shaman I met in the course of this trip:


Buenos tardes, ....l!

Debido a que mi español no es tan bueno, que escribo en Inglés primero - con una versión española del traductor Google a continuación.

============= Ingles

Thank you very much for leading me and my wife Ludmila near the Great Inca on Thursday, October 13.

I was deeply interested to learn more about your traditions, because I have worked for years to try to understand how to reconcile the worlds of science and the world of spirit. Deep study of the science convinced me more and more that your feelings are closer to the objective truth than the type of Catholicism they taught me when I was a young boy. It was a great pleasure to meet you, and see how strong your connection is to the real world, a connection which has been lost by many proud and formal political types of theologians.

On October 12, on Amantina, in meditation, I felt called to try to translate my own understanding of spiritual reality (informed BOTH by science and by my own experience) into the language of the family I was saying with. My Spanish is still not so good, but I discussed it with my friend Yeshua of that same old family of Israel; I have attached a paper in Spanish which I hope might be of some use to your people. Because Yeshua and I are also active in science, please do not tell our full names to others; this is for you, to do with whatever you please. I hope it helps, and I hope we can find other ways to help your people and culture.

For you in Peru it is very tricky how the Catholic Church hosts a mix of very good and very zombie-like people. For a long time, I have known great people in Chile and elsewhere who are devoted to the teachings of Teilhard de Chardin, who made a truly great effort to unify science and religion. His concept of “noosphere” is very similar to “Gaia” and “Pachamama,” but many Catholics were upset that he did not include the concept of Jesus and the Emperor as co-creators of the universe, a concept which I have seen on a big plaque at the entrance to Hagia Sophia, due to Emperor Constantine. Many Catholics noticed that Teilhard’s concept of evolution was not logically complete, and they gave up the effort to reconcile science and religion. But the simmering conflict between science and religion has created growing conflict all over the earth, and many contradictions and wars; truth demands that we not give up. It also demands that we both build cooperatoin and dialogue with the better half of Catholicism, to work for more universal dialogue and synthesis.

In Russia, I published a paper which fills the hole in Teilhard de Chardin; it is posted at The paper attached is basically just a translation into everyday Spanish of the core practical concepts in that paper. It requires a great step forward to consider that our noosphere is actually just one organism in an entire species, and that something like dark matter and dark energy (or additional things we do not yet see in physics so far) has provided a solid base for its evolution over many, many millions of years.

Thank you for October 13, and thank you for your patience.


De octubre de 2016, un mensaje de Yeshua y Paul, de Amantina y ampliado más tarde:
¿Cuál es es la Pachamama? y ¿Cuál es es la Pachatata?

Como un ser humano, Pachamama es real, es una persona, tiene la intelligencia, y  es
un sistema con partes y relaciones.
Pachamama es una niña. Por supuesto, una niña de la especie humana es mucho más inteligente que un pez adulto. Del mismo modo, una niña de especies de Pachamama es mucho más inteligente que un cuerpo humano adulto. Esto es maravilloso porque, aun cuando ya es una madre que da vida, también implica que La Pachamama del futuro debe desarrollar y evolucionar así una inteligencia y sabiduría ampliamente superior a la que posee ahora y llegara a ser La Abuela Tierra.
Al mismo tiempo, Pachamama nosostros es, más o menos. . Mas precisamente, Pachamama es un sistema integrado por cinco (5) grupos los cuales conforman sus partes: almas humanas, almas animales, diversos almas arquetípicas (como el principio activo del sol, de manera similar al espíritu de Santa Claus y como Apus) , la matriz espiritual y la matriz material. El cuerpo humano es también una sistema con partes tales como las células (similar a la matriz material); las almas serian algo así como las células del cuerpo. También podríamos concebir la matriz, en un nivel mayor de organización, como los huesos del esqueleto.
El desarrollo de la Pachamama requerirá que sus células -- nuestras almas – se desarrollen como sabios pensadores y pensadoras libres, con una fuerte fundación en valores espirituales y universales, con conexiones solidas para la cooperación entre la gran diversidad de sus partes. Esta concepción nos abre las puertas a entender que así como en la mente de una niña existen algunas ideas “locas”, dichas ideas están relacionadas a un fuerte deseo de aprender para crear un futuro mejor.
La niña Pachamama cuenta con el apoyo continuo de Pachatata, quien es un adulto de la misma especie, su Padre en el Cielo. Él es el mismo Padre en el Cielo que Jesucristo habló, no Jehová y no el concepto Emperadores del Creador, ambos de los cuales son sólo los arquetipos y las sombras de la verdadera persona Pachatata. Pachatata en realidad puede ser llamado "Pater Galacticus", un nombre más universal, que nos recuerda que él es nuestra conexión con nuestra familia entera de la galaxia, que es posible que algún día comprender mucho mejor, si desarrollamos lo suficientemente lejos. Nuestra magnífica amigo Jesus el Cristo (Mesias) fue uno de los guías y profetas (Shamanes) del antiguo pueblo de Israel. El fue un alma muy especial en el ceno de Pachamama y arquetipo de reflexión profunda para lograr una relación intima con la vida y el universo entero, lo que permite construir un camino hacia la paz y la vida en armonía. Como un adulto, Pachatata es llena de matemáticos y seres conscientes de ciencias superiores, mucho más amplias que todo el cuerpo de las ciencias asociadas a la inteligencia humana de esta pequeña Tierra. Matemática profunda es una evidencia de la relación con Pachatata, más allá de lo que cualquiera de sus sombras puede ofrecer.
Pachamama es muy femenina y masculina Pachatata? Tal vez vamos a saber algún día, pero por ahora somos como un feto especular sobre la livesâ el sexo de nuestros padres.
El cuerpo humano necesita de muchos tipos de células para su existencia y así también, La Pachamama necesita de muchos tipos de alma para su existencia. Aquí en Amantina la vida se basa en la agricultura, parte muy importante para la vida del ser humano, así como también lo son las almas de dichos seres humanos, quienes reciben sus inspiraciones de la mente universal de “El Páter Galáctico” para poder atender y ver con claridad las circunstancias de la actualidad. Así concluimos, que nuestra relación con Pachamama y Pachatata es de vital importancia para el desarrollo y el logro de esta conexión, algo que es de muy alta prioridad para toda la humanidad.
Cuando regresamos de los santuarios de Pachamama y Pachatata, le dije a Gabriel:
”Los jóvenes han subido al santuario de La Pachamama y yo principalmente me enfoque en la conexión y en la experiencia intima. Mi realización me llevó a concluir que así como nuestra conexión con La Pachamama es muy importante, la línea de conexión de La Pachamama a Pachatata es también muy importante “. El respondió con un: ¡Si! “
La Pachamama no se alimenta de frutas. Darle frutas a La Pachamama sería como donarle semillas para pájaros a una niña humana.  Así que debemos cuidarla como la niña que ella todavía es, lo cual es de vital importancia para ella y para eso contamos con el amor y apoyo incondicional de “ El Pater Galactico”.


That was intended to be brief and earthy, not complete. The original was even shorter, but Yeshua and I between us could easily lengthen it and make it more precise.

For example, I earlier posted a photo of the books which Mahatma Ghandi was reading in Mumbai, including a number by Annie Besant, who was his teacher in many areas. (Google maps would show you the street in Mumbai today named after her.) She had a book on Thought Forms which relates to the situation above. 

Someday I should probably buy the more recent book by (Joanne? Joan?) Wilcox on Peruvian mysticism. 
But today I want to get back to certain questions in quantum optics, simple questions I have postponed too long. 

At one point, the shaman asked us to name some great mountain spirit or apu we could relate to. 
 This was an interesting test of conscience. My principles say I should face up to and embrace important direct experience, not imposing premature entanglement with my theoretical understanding. I had to admit I have had very powerful and meaningful feelings near the top of many mountains in this world, and that there was a spiritual energy I could fully identify with. As we left the area by the Great Inca monument,
I said: "I can really understand, make sense of, pachamama and pachatata, but apus (their vision of mountain spirits are tricky. Maybe it is enough to feel, respect and even love them, even if one does not fully understand or have a model...." Yes, that was enough. When I say "it is a type of archetypical alma," that is a bit of a cop out, like saying "That cell in the neocortex... is not a pyramid cell, so I will call it an interneuron." That's valid, but there are many KINDS of interneuron. And in addition, whatever an "apu" is (a cell or an emergent hybrid of some kind)... it certainly has aspects of material matrix... and may get to inherent ambiguities in the usual words used to partition anatomy. Whatever.  

When first asked, I automatically said Mount Washington (though I at first slipped saying George Washington, a kind of Freudian slip maybe). On a third iteration, Wudangshan. Luda picked the big one in Bolivia first time, then shifted to Huang Shan. Later, I remember our experience on Hua Shan, especially when our attractive Liu family guide kowtowed to a statue representing the mountain while I tuned into the mountain itself right there before us...  I certainly remembered feelings of being invigored in a full-body full-soul kind of way near the top of that mountain...  which I also felt nearing the border with Switzerland climbing up a trail form Maltrasio in Italy.
This morning I mused: "Why did I not mention Alma itself, a fitting gateway to the galaxy?"

Whatever. The gateway of mathematics.. I resolve to stop these words now and get to that already. At least for a small while, a small peek into places no human has ever peeked yet...  


With this subject line, why did I not mention Tibet? Several reasons. For example: I lost email contact there due to great firewall of China. Another: too complex to add to this email. 


Added October 29:

Someone might misunderstand or have anxieties about what I was thinking about at the very start of this post when I talked about a whole lot of earthquaking going on. Among the many things on my mind, I thought of the earthquakes in Rome the past week or so... which I CERTAINLY take no credit or blame for at all, which are more remote from me than Donald Trump is. Yet all of us are connected at some level, and there are resonances which a proper Watcher (ala Yeshua's call) naturally looks at. 

There is an analogy between some of these resonance effects and the phase change or neuropercolation emergent phenomena in brains which Freeman and Kozma have written about (at times also in collaboration with Yeshua).

I am reminded of a little scene in the New Testament, where, roughly, someone asks Jesus "Why do you always use parables or metaphors? Why don't you speak explicitly and plainly?" .. and he replies: "Because you don't yet have the required concepts or terms to allow more explicit prose statements explaining what is going on. But don't worry. There will come a time in the future, when the spirit of truth comes to the earth, when it will be possible to state such things in more explicit terms..." That has often helped my morale, and I certainly see the scientific method (as in as a manifestation of the spirit of truth making it possible to be more explicit about that which connects us all in the noosphere and beyond. But watching the struggle for the US presidency this year (including both the elections and the preparations to inject a third candidate post election), I really worry about what is happening to the spirit of truth in the United States, and about whether we will even maintain the level of consciousness and promise we had back at the time of Washington and Jefferson, let alone the next stage we need to survive the objective challenges before us.

Why this Spenglerian kind of pattern here?

One major factor is the way that "segregation academies" set up to avoid desegregation suddenly put millions of young Americans into situations which did not live up to the requisites Tom Jefferson spelled out required to maintain what he and Washington and Betsy Ross and others created. (It was so sad they didn't pick her as the woman for US currency. But how much real US history do they know?)

But there are other factors, of course, ranging from transient fluctuations in some flows of money, to the deep schism about science and religion, to lack of adequate, sustainable platform or foundation for deployment of IT.
All of these factors are part of the objective challenges we need to address, and yet also part of the challenge of maintaining a high enough mental level to be able to address them! Irrational hot buttons and tabus (like the folks who would go hysterical if I were even to say hello to Jerry Tian?) ... that example may not be earthshattering, but taken collectively the tabus act like injecting formaldehyde into a brain. 

Best of luck...     

By the way, this is the second thing I added to this morning, based on overnight feedback. The other was a journal entry on quantum time-delayed eraser... now put to bed. Time for me to go back and learn some basics about quantum ghost imaging. Since Yeshua is much more fluent in Spanish than I am (let alone his native language Aramaic), his upgrade was important above, but I would have asked for more iterations if 
the context warranted. What context demands right now is a mix of little things and ghost imaging.

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