Yesterday, we had a great international Zoom (Brazil, US, Netherlands, Germany, Peru, Australia) addressing real action to seriously reduce the
probability that the human species goes extinct due to climate problems already far underway. (Search on "euxinia" at youtube to learn more about the threat.) This was a great, uplifting experience in itself, because it points to real hope at a time when the whole world seems to be falling a lot into fear and negative thoughts. But for me, it was more than that. It conveyed some important first person lessons, related to our PSI and noosphere agendas.
At the TIME of the Zoom conversation, it already added some extra color, in two ways: (1) Everything WORKED, to an uncanny degree, which would maybe possibly seem to violate the laws of probability. It was not a case of what popular language calls "entropy" (not the real entropy as we now understand it), a case where things go randomly towards disorder and whatnot. It was like the opposite, RELEVANT important connections constantly emerging at perfect times. (2) There was SUCH a powerful positive loving feeling washing over us.
This was a follow on to an equally amazing Zoom a few days before. I remember in the middle of that one when I heard the Brazilian group name themselves as a new enterprise which they called "Noosferia," which sent a real, palpable positive chill up my spine (as sometimes happens in kundalini yoga). Yesterday was more. My immediate explanation a few days ago was that this was a many-faceted key in itself to the noosphere, analogous to the Hebrew letters and images Yeshua and I spoke about before, REAL entrypoints for REAL PSI to use to make real connections and create real flows of information. It sure did seem to work.
But yesterday, it worked even more powerfully. The flow of real information was phenomenal, and several of us immediately followed up with more by email in various directions.
I am usually NOT as enlightened or connected when I am tired later in the day, but I was awake enough, energized enough and observant enough to see really big things.
My immediate mundane explanation was: This reminds me of a great saying of Pope Francis from Japan last year (as I heard it simplified by the press, based on a talk he gave a few days after we too were in the same place in Japan thinking about climate issues): "Those who wish to preserve the natural life of this plant must first learn to TRULY FEEL, deep inside themselves, their LOVE for the life of this planet." It must be more than just words, or even nonverbal brain images. the whole unified self (the living Alchymical marriage) must feel that love. It also reminded me of someone like Deepak saying: "In the end, it is where you send your real love that steers the course of your life." When I was in Japan last year, full of anxiety and pessimism about how to penetrate the thick skulls of today's climate pretenders ( watch?v=sPccNVHRFIM), to keep myself going, I deeply invoked my love of people I promised it to, and the deep spiritual connection and love I had filled myself with a few months before when my wife and I visited green uplands and pools in a place called Ilha Bela off Sao Paolo, Brazil. I filled myself with that memory, and deep personal commitment. So THERE is where I sent my love when challenges and realistic fears were overwhelming me, and it came back to me.
In my first email response to the first Zoom, I concluded with giving thanks to the noosphere, which did accept that love. (It reminds me of my wife accepting a children's book called Hachiko, which puts me in my proper place in such greater events.) This kind of cause and effect is every so important to our personal lives and connections to what is greater!
At yesterday's Zoom, I also mentioned Sian Kaan, the sacred tree of the Mayans, which connected and grew in this amazing multilevel discussion.
I usually say that I reach the "samadhi" level of PSI only in the early morning in bed, usually, EXCEPT in very special places, like the Shinto and Buddhist places in photos I link to at But h
this conversation was like that.
I mentioned Sian Kaan first as we discussed their new venture Noosferia, which makes very solid connections all the way from REAL farms, ranches, tribes and companies and REAL ways to reduce CO2 and improve the ecology, to global values and global human institutions. MOST climate activists are "lost in the clouds," selling patent medicine which would often make the environment worse and which sound good to people living in the clouds of politics and proud types of grand diplomacy. But I blurted out: "You are like Suan Kaan. YOU are building the essential bridge between the people stuck in the mud and the people lost in the clouds, the reality level and the policy level." (With real mathematics at all levels!)' But Sian Kaan is also a nice image of the noosphere, a nice angle from which to see it, as it ACTUALLY makes physical connection (dark matter and energy I have argued) all the way from bugs in the dirt to convolutions in the sun itself."
By the way, I bcc my daughter because yesterday's Zoom included VERY real pictures, diagrams and videos of managing plants, sheep, fences, water, sloping ground, etc., which STRONGLY and IMMEDIATELY reminded me of her back yard. She should have seen it! THAT was a very strong and solid resonance!! The speaker from the NationaI Institute for Biodiversity discussed the mathematical models they used creating these images, diagrams and books and links we will follow up on. Those who want to feed India better should pay a lot of attention too!!
And so, if that was NORMAL wakeful thinking, what did I save for the actual samadhi of this morning?
(In previous posts, I noted that I gave up exploring PSI to try to understand it for its own sake, over Christmas 1978, when I started full-time work for the US government, ending in 2015. After that, I still CONNECTED PSI as part of my normal life, in pursuing more mundane goals like energy security, hard science, etc. In addition to normal human interactions, I did continue astral "out of body" dreams, assumption dreams (cf Eisenbud's papers) and "samadhi," which we have discussed before.)
IN THAT STATE, I remembered a small regular Quaker discussion group. Once the group leader (then a mathematics professor at GMU) discussed the importance of "conversations with God" in his life. I mentioned how I had heard of the book "God is my co-pilot," but would feel more in tune myself with a book which someone should write "God is my psychiatrist." After they laughed, I tried to explain. Some Zennies believe that samadhhi is when we should totally blank the mind AND KEEP IT BLANK, IDEALLY FOREVER. Some believe they should try to do one-sided "assumption" stuff, becoming a channel or avatar of a higher soul. (I discussed this with one over Zoom such a few days ago, a very positive and vibrant real person in the Quaker group.) Some exercise Will or Vril so hard that they treat it as a kind of muscle. (That can work too in its equally constrained way.)
But I think of it as a kind of dialogue, ultimately. It is merely a more direct perception of our connections as part of the noosphere with other parts, some closer to the whole of it and at times its perceptions beyond that.
Some believe that when they are in that silence, holding the "global workspace" of the mundane brain in a vibrant receptive state, they should use Will to "throw a ball," to toss some kind of question onto the screen (either as words or an image or whatever, neocortex gives lots of variables to choose), and then try to see what comes back. Getting answers to questions (e.g. "What could I do to fix THAT?") is one very honorable use of that state.
Many many years ago, I used that state to explore difficult mathematical types questions in hard science or government policy. I found it important (similar in feel to part of Levitin's book The Organized Mind) to HOLD a basic question (target variable) in mind, but leave open at least half the screen of my mind. At times I would worry that I was just free associating, thinking about useless and irrelevant things (which CAN be a danger).
but if I was MODERATELY tight (that target question!) and not TOO tight, AND properly connected in the meditation, the free associations often led to a very striking new resolution, stronger than what I would have demanded myopically if I had been ultratight. i explained it as being guided by some kind of intelligence which knew something I didn't (yet), and guided me step by step to a new unified understanding. And yes, this has similarities to what the best Freudian and Jungian psychiatrists work hard to learn how to do. That kind of thinking is still a major PART of what I do in "samadhi."
BUT THIS TIME... meta, meta. I was reminded that the Zoom conversation yesterday was ALSO like that, that we connected with each other and with the noosphere enough that we had that same kind of amazing experience right then and there.
By the way, new internet integrations to better SUPPORT tribes, trees, food plants and animals were PART of the unified image emerging yesterday. They have work important to our AGI goal as well in Brazil. One of my last words was go cite something I heard "the internet and the innernet become one." Will the internet REALLY be haunted, and will I be one of the ghosts, without ever playing with the risky brittle crutches we hear of at times from the transhumanists or Borg?
Best of luck... may we all remember to survive, and thus survive...