Monday, April 20, 2020

Healing the war between science and spirit

Many people at this point are deeply focused on how to heal the world of coronavirus. Important as that is, I believe it is much MORE important to heal humanity from three very immediate problems which threaten everyone on earth, in my view: (1) worst case climate change (search on "euxiinia" at youtube), which clearly could kill us all, but is further off than the others; (2) a tsunami of new problems with the internet
a growing, deep war between science and spirit in human culture at all levels.

Here are two posts on how we MIGHT save ourselves from such a war. The first was an email from me to Dr, Brenie Baars, one of the world's foremost authorities on the scientific study of consciousness ( who is a respected friend but who has at times criticized another friend). The second was from Yeshua den David, who gives an interesting overview of deep Israeli thought on these issues. Both are part of a larger discussion posted at!forum/biological-physics-and-meaning

Hi, Bernie!

[This is still an issue in understanding the laws of history, where this discussion started.]

I am deeply concerned and upset that the world as a whole does not appreciate and learn as much as it should from your important work -- or mine, or Robert Kozma's, or Yeshua's, or Walter Freeman's or Karl Pribram's. I have heard every one of these (ironicallly, except you, who were more tactful) commenting on the importance of the challenge of breaking through that destructive blockage. I have even been shocked by the people who ignored or wrote off the late work of John Von Neumann and Julian Schwinger, which went much further than the usual pundits write about. 

There certainly are people on this list, AND people off of it, who would benefit from a better understanding of your work. I have referred to it in many of my posts here on consciousness, but even I do owe you thanks for the further sources you refer to.

BUT: I SEE NO REASON TO CREATE A WAR BETWEEN THE GLOBAL WORKSPACE THEORY (GWT) OF CONSCIOUSNESS and what I call "PSI" here, the effort to understand real powers of mind which cannot be explained by the usual assumption of total information separation between people (or between people and the larger worlds of nature) except by local "QED physics" (electrons, protons, neutrons, electromagnetism). 

Given the important goals of this list, it is important that we learn how to have beneficial dialogue EVEN WITHOUT a requirement that we agree on a party line. 

It is important that we work on ways to improve cooperation and mutual support, FOR EXAMPLE, between three groups of people:

(1) Those who believe in GWT, and appreciate its importance, but believe that PSI is an error or a fake with >99% probability;

(2) Those of us who  believe in GWT, and appreciate its importance, but ALSO believe that PSI is real with >99% probability;

(3)  Those of us who  believe in GWT, and appreciate its importance, but seriously feel uncertain about whether PSI is real or not.

It sounds as if you, Bernie, would align with (1). I align with (2). Others on the list might declare (3). And of course,
there are those on the list who have at times voiced opinions which WOULD contradict GWT altogether. I do hope we can find ways to advance (1), with raising unnecessary red flags and making unnecessary enemies by creating a false entanglement here.


This debate is more than it seems. It is a microscopic reflection of a huge binary war between science and spirit,
in the cultures of this planet. People who commit themselves to that war tend to engage in creation of stereotypes of people on the other side, like the basest partisans left and right degrading democracy in so many places. There is no such conflict in the underlying logic. I do hope that some of us can contribute more to healing this kind of schizophrenia or fracturing present even in our noosphere. (This is similar to Luria's feelings, as Uzi has described, but without the same origins theory.) 

Best of luck,Paul


I concur with Paul !!!

The healing of this ancient war about what constitutes reality ought to be our priority, since reality is still a mystery together with life, mind~brain~heart~respiration, consciousness, spiritual values and The Power of Love.

One of the many things I value from one of Uzi’s posts is that he invokes Luria as an exponent of healing principles operating in the universe and humanity and he integrates that to his understanding of the universe and life.

There is a lineage of Israelite Kabbalists that influenced Isaac Luria in different ways, as well as many other wise men and women (Tzadikkim and Tzadikkot) who came after him. I see the lineage strongly represented by Moshe (Moses), Yeshua Ben Yosef (Jesus the son of Joseph and Mary), Rabbi, Shimon Bar Yochai, Isaac Luria, Moses Hayim Luzzatto, Rachel Morpugo, Yehuda Ashlag, and ……

This family of Tzaddikim and Tzaddikot all shared somehow a similar understanding of humanity’s journey towards redemption, where long lasting individual inner peace and social harmony are achieved. As expressed by Uzi, Luria depicted and explained four stages: (a) Eden - An Edenic singularity-like stage (Adam and Eve’s individual Omega Point), (b) The Fall, (c) Tikun and (d) Achrit Hayamim, or the ‘end of time’, refers to the completion of Tikun (Humanity’s Collective Omega Point).

Our task in the healing and integration between spiritual wisdom and science is to be found in (c) Tikun and (d) Achrit Hayamim, or the ‘end of time where individual Tikun (correction) will need to be enacted both individually and collectively one related to the development of each individual’s potential and the other to the enactment of actions of kindness and education in the social arena if we want to enjoy our destination, vision and ideal (d).

The students of consciousness then must grow spiritually and ideally attain inner peace and collaborate lovingly and altruistically (action of kindness) in order to improve the field and as a consequence of that, ideally and eventually, humanity in toto.

As Uzi wrote possibly coming from Isaac Luria: “Man is small World, World is big Man”

I leave you with an explanation by Billy Phillips that I quoted from: , which is intended to contribute to this healing or Tikun as a continuation and expression of this lineage of spiritual wisdom, as follows:

by Billy Phillips · Published April 27, 2013 · Updated May 5, 2014

Today’s portion of Emor, according to the writings of Kabbalist Rav Isaac Luria and the Zohar, reveal the secrets of Golgotha and the resurrection of the dead. Golgotha is the place where Jesus was said to be crucified. Except Christian scholars and all the early founders of Christianity admit that the word is an Aramaic word and that they have no idea where Golgotha is or why this word is used for the whole idea of Jesus’s death and resurrection. The answer can be found in Kabbalah.

Commenting upon this week’s Torah portion, Rav Isaac Luria explains how the spiritual dimension called Atika Kadisha is the source of the “dew” that brings about resurrection of the dead. He further explains that the dew is really the three letters in the Tetragrammaton, Yod, Hei and Vav.


According to Kabbalistic numerology, the word “dew” and the three letters of God’s Name both share the same numerical value. So “dew” is really a code for these three letters of God’s Name, which really refer to the realm that we call the 99% reality. The final letter in God’s Name (Hei) refers to our world. This one letter is disconnected from the first three letters. Therefore, God’s Name is not complete. God’s Name is not unified.

In simple terms, it means our 1% reality is disconnected from the 99% reality, the source of all Light.

The early Christian fathers and original Doctors of the Church all admitted that they could not find the word Golgotha anywhere in ancient Hebrew writings. They admitted they did not know why this word was used. To this day Golgotha remains a mystery. That’s because the early Christian fathers and founders were not permitted to look into the Zohar. These are the mysteries Jesus taught ONLY to his closest disciples. These are the mysteries that only Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai, Rabbi Akiva and their inner circle understood.

You see, the Zohar explains how Golgotha is the spiritual realm in the Ten Sephirot (Tree of Life) that encompasses Akita Kadisha, the place where the dew comes from to resurrect the dead. In simple terms, Golgotha refers to the 99% reality. It was never about a physical location. It’s a spiritual dimension.

Rav Isaac Luria teaches only through repentance (inner change) can we reconnect to resurrect our happiness and resurrect what ever has died in our life. When enough individual people reconnect, then the gates of the 99% will open wide enough so that even the dead will resurrect and immortal existence (Messiah) will arrive.

This is the long-held Kabbalistic secret of the teachings that have surrounded Jesus for 2000 years concerning Golgotha, Resurrection and Jesus’ teachings about repentance. Repentance really means in Hebrew, to return. You might ask, Return to where? We are returning ourselves and this world to the 99%. We are returning the final letter Hei, in God’s Name, back to the first three letters to unify God’s Name and thus, unify our world with the 99% reality.


The letter that the Hei reconnects to is the letter Vav. The Vav is called “The Son” in the Zohar . The first letter of God’s Name (Yod) is called “The Father” (Abba). This further explains Jesus’ teachings that says one must connect to the Son in order to connect to the Father. It’s all about unifying God’s Name, unifying our world with the spiritual realm of the 99%.

Now follow this: Next week’s Torah portion is Behar. This specific portion explains the secret of the phrase “Son of God” or “Son of the Holy One”.

As we just learned, The Son refers to both the letter Vav. But in Behar, we ALSO learn that the phrase the Son of the Holy One refers to the man who masters the Holy Wisdom of Kabbalah to transform his nature and achieve oneness with God.

So these two Torah portions contain ALL the secrets underlying Christianity’s most important tenets and they prove, without a single doubt, that the Zohar underlies Christianity and is the root of all of Jesus’ true teachings. How appropriate that these two Torah portions always fall around Lag B’Omer, the day Rabbi Shimon revealed the Light of Zohar and left this world. This day, according to Kabbalist Rav Berg, is a mini Shavout, a mini revelation of Mount Sinai. Rabbi Shimon not only left the world on this day, but he also came out of the cave after 13 years of receiving the wisdom of Zohar on this same day as well.

The revelation of the Zohar is equal to the revelation of Mount Sinai and that is why it’s considered a mini Shavout. Moses came down from the Sinai mountain with the Tablets bringing the world the Light of Immortality and Rabbi Shimon came out of the cave of the mountain with the Zohar which contains the same Light of Immortality.This Light comes from the realm of Golgotha and Atika Kadisha.

Now we can finally grasp the truth that the Zohar is the true source and root of Christianity. Finally, Lag B’ Omer occurs on the 33rd day of the Omer. Jesus left this world when he was 33.

To my eyes, this process ought to be accomplished both via individual effort and by The Grace of The Creator, as the culminating aspect of human development, Oneness with God. This is the ultimate meeting place between Science and Spiritual Wisdom.

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