Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Child’s History of Reality in Physics Post Heisenberg

Child’s History of Reality in Physics Post Heisenberg

Two weeks ago, I returned from Nepal, where I was asked to speak on a well-defined topic: how can we create a new worldview which rationally, consistently COMBINES belief in objective reality with not only belief but active immersion in spiritual reality? In truth, my seven days in Nepal and two days in Qatar were mainly about the spiritual side and about “the watch,” but those are too complicated to talk about here today.  Today I will review a few basic facts about objective reality in physics, and even make a few new observations which no one has written yet in plain English.

There are many, many areas of human life where people survive based on hypocrisy. They are taught one set of beliefs in childhood, and learn to repeat the right things reliably whenever asked. And then they learn patterns of behavior which are quite different, often contradictory. Personally, I was born with what psychologists call a “low tolerance of cognitive dissonance’; I feel very uncomfortable with those kinds of inconsistency. But psychologists tell us that society needs many different kinds of people, for different situations, so I won’t say much more here about the broader implications of things like hypocrisy.

 But I should say a LITTLE more. Using a large computer system, my wife says she found the connection between the Bohr family and the Werbos family from the early 1800’s, when both were in the region near Trier or Mosel. Niels Bohr basically argued that there is no harm in modeling an electron as a wave on Mondays and Wednesdays, and as a particle on Tuesdays and Thursdays. He called this “the principle of complementarity.” I believe we have a natural instinct, which we should not resist, to try to develop a more general, universal model to predict our experience, but when we haven’t yet learned how to do that, there is always the need to survive in the short term even if we hope and strive to learn more.

The “apostle’s creed” of quantum mechanics, taught in all first year classes and in high school preview classes, teaches quantum mechanics according to Heisenberg. Heisenberg’s version actually IS a universal model, not just a model for Mondays and Wednesdays. It has several key principles, the four commandments according to Heisenberg:

1.      1. There is no such thing as objective reality. People like Einstein believed that objective reality changes over time, such that the universe is in some state S(t) at every time t. (Einstein also said that time is more like space than people used to believe, but that is another story for later.)
        2. To make numerical predictions of what we will see in experiments, we give up the idea of S(t). Instead, we base everything on a mathematical object ψ(t), the “wave function.” Ψ(t) represents all of our knowledge at time t, reflecting our uncertainties.

3.       3. To predict how our knowledge changes, to predict what our knowledge of the future is as a function of our knowledge of the present, we use the “Schrodinger’s equation” (dψ/dt)=ihHψ. (He didn’t call that one the Schrodinger’s equation, but that’s how people call it today.)

4.       4. To predict what we would actually see at some future time, when we do a measurement, we use a totally different set of mathematical rules, which I would call the “Heisenberg measurement formalism.” In that formalism, we predict different results depending on whether we believe that cats have souls, because only proper metaphysical observers with the proper ontological hermeneutic form of consciousness are able to invoke the magic of measurement. Of course, there are many people who really love that aspect, and would sooner let women become priests than give it up.

So that’s the childhood religion. Some people, like some kinds of priests, spend their whole lives “preaching the word” by repeating and at times enforcing the childhood version.  Others move on to studying actual experiments in areas like electronics and photonics, especially, where they learn what actually works in predicting actual experiments. Because of their own low tolerance of cognitive dissonance, many philosophers and theorists adhere strongly to the view that all the many versions of quantum mechanics predict the same things, and that the childhood religion works 100% of the time exactly as it was taught by Heisenberg. But when it was my job in the Engineering Directorate of the National Science Foundation (NSF) to oversee the review of the many ways that people actually make predictions of quantum phenomena in electronics and photonics (fields dominated by new experiments and devices), I learned more and more that the real world of experimental physics simply does not fit that ancient narrative.

In truth, there are MANY issues which have yet to be resolved about the correct way to formulate quantum mechanics. Some of that was obvious when I started overseeing what goes on in that part of experimental physics. ( I published a few of my early observations in the well-known journal International Journal of Theoretical Physics ( I updated and corrected that part of the story in a more recent paper (

Even in the early work, I explained why Heisenberg’s second commandment (“2”) yields WRONG predictions. No, the catechism does not make the same predictions as modern versions, or the correct predictions. It yields wrong predictions. I learned what the simple, clear situation ACTUALLY is, back when I was part of the team at NSF reviewing proposals for the new emerging area of quantum computing. (The IJTP paper  does tell this story too.)

Many, many theorists would submit proposals for quantum computers based on the Heisenberg catechism. The proposals would be reviewed by a mix of people – some theorists, and some folks deeply expert in studying how the actual components of these proposals actually work.  The second group included people like solid state physicists who know how electronic components work, and like quantum optics people who know what works in optics. Many times the theorists would love their proposals, which assumed that every object in the experiment (except for the cat or the graduate student watching what the final output looks like coming out of the computer) would obey what they call “unitary dynamics”. They assumed that a definite wave function ψ(t1) describes what we know before light or something else reaches a solid object, and that the solid object results in a new wave function ψ(t2) for what comes out. The solid state or quantum optics people patiently explained why the proposed system simply would not work as advertised, because that is not a correct model of what we actually now know about how these objects work.

Nowadays, we know that we need to use a mathematical object called a “density matrix” or “density operator” ρ(t) to describe our knowledge at any time t in these experiments, simply in order to get correct predictions. This is not about a different INTERPRETATION from Heisenberg’s four commandments. It is about a different theory, or rather a set of theories, which yield different predictions. We know that "collapse of the wave function", with a definite  ψ(t) coming in and a MIX of possibilities coming out (represented by a density matrix) happens all the time in macroscopic objects, without any metaphysical observer being involved at all. If you don't want to take my word for it, look at highly respected books like Walls and Milburn, like Carmichael, or just google on "Lindblad form master equations." 

Furthermore, there is a neat connection here to a particular theory of quantum mechanics, due to Everett, Wheeler and David Deutsch, called the “many worlds theory of quantum mechanics.” In that theory,  we give up Heisenberg’s first commandment. We assert that ψ(t) describes the actual state of objective reality, not just our knowledge of it.  According to the dynamic systems version of realism, if the state of reality at any time t is given by a mathematical object S(t), our knowledge is fully summarized only by Pr(S(t)), the probability distribution, a function much more complicated than S itself. In the many-worlds viewpoint, it makes sense that the STATE of reality is described by ψ(t), but we need something more complicated to describe the state of our knowledge.

By the way, at the end of the day, after probing all kinds of dirty linen which the priests do not want people to talk about, I have concluded that the only correct form of quantum mechanics to describe what we can do in electronics and photonics is a NEW VARIATION of the many-worlds theory (MQED), which uses a new measurement formalism deduced from the dynamics and from the boundary conditions, without metaphysical observers. ( I have many life-or-death issues on my to-do list; one of them is the need to somehow get the inexpensive  experiments done to prove that the new measurement formalism is better than the old one, no matter what version we assume for the dynamics and reality and such. Even MQED is only an approximation, however; because it represents the proton as a point particle, we know that the approximation starts to break down at a distance scale on the order of 1 femtometer.


But now, here is something new, a bit more radical than MQED.

In the many-worlds picture, where ψ(t) gives us the present state of reality at time t, the state of our knowledge should be described in general by a probability distribution Pr(ψ(t)). The density matrix ρ(t) is much simpler than that. IS EVEN the density matrix enough to handle all experiments correctly??

People who know modern quantum statistical thermodynamics could easily come up with an excuse for why ρ might be enough. They have shown that certain values of ρ, called the “grand canonical ensemble”, do represent the mix of possible states which can exist in equilibrium, for a universe described by a wave function ψ  following Heisenberg’s third commandment. If those are the only states we actually encounter, then ρ should be enough.

Or should it? Most of physics is based on states we create using free energy which are far from thermodynamic equilibrium. If we truly believe that the many-worlds dynamics are the WHOLE STORY, then we really should support efforts to design new types of experiment, aimed at creating Pr(ψ) not fitting what is described by a specific density matrix ρ, proving that we need even more information, and proving that we can do things not permitted under the ρ story. Or else somehow proving that such experiments are truly impossible?

But I personally do not expect that such experiments are possible. 
PLEASE DO NOT READ FURTHER UNLESS YOU FEEL ABLE TO STUDY THE ISSUE OF MQED ON ITS OWN MERITS, WITHOUT FALSE ENTANGLEMENT WITH OTHER ISSUES. If you are the kind of person who would just laugh at special relativity and everything else that Einstein ever did, after his prediction for the EPR experiment was proven false, you should not read further. But if physics for you is about truth and about theories and experiments, and not about personalities, do read further.


AFTER one accepts MQED as the correct version of QED, there are MANY approaches available for building on MQED to try to understand the rest of physics. It turns out that ONE of the possible choices is to do exactly what Einstein called for, before he moved away to variations of differential geometry far more complex than general relativity. “Local realistic” models of the underlying physics are again allowed under MQED. It is possible to explore the possibility that MQED is a consistent statistical approximation to something deeper, maybe even something “deterministic” as ‘tHooft still claims he believes. (

In, I evaluated some possibilities for what a local realistic model might look like. Based on those evaluations, I now see other models in that same general family as more promising – but in any case, how could we explain an object like ρ and the “Schrodinger equation” as an emergent statistical outcome of that kind of simpler underlying model? The main part of the answer lies in some new mathematics which I developed years ago:

And so, in my approach, I would assert that ρ(t) is enough, because the underlying reality is much simpler than ψ or pr(ψ).

But it would be interesting if anyone could devise and perform a counterexample with a real experiment.


And yes, folks, this is all quite simple compared to what I learned in the past two months. Two minutes to see, two hours to type, versus weeks to see in still partial form. Lamar Smith has successfully cracked down on this kind of heresy, and the old NSF building is being evacuated at this very moment, even as his district (and Cruz's) is experiencing serious stuff as well. Who really knows where all of THAT will go?


  1. "Today I will review a few basic facts about objective reality in physics, and even make a few new observations which no one has written yet in plain English.'

    edX Home Page GeorgetownX: PHYX-008-01x Quantum Mechanics for Everyone

    1. from the course: One of last century's most creative physicists, Richard Feynman, devised a way to teach quantum mechanics that is true to the material, allows students to make calculations, and does not "dumb down" anything. We follow his strategy in this course. In fact, there are two books that already exist that follow this strategy. One, by Feynman himself, is called QED: The strange theory of light and matter, and the other is by Dan Styer, called The strange world of quantum mechanics. We follow much of the material in these two books for the first three weeks.

  2. ' the “wave function.” Ψ(t) represents all of our knowledge at time t, reflecting our uncertainties.'

    "the “wave function.” Ψ(t) represents all of our knowledge at time t, reflecting our uncertainties."

    The soul—your soul—knows all there is to know all the time. There’s nothing hidden to it, nothing unknown. Yet knowing is not enough. The soul seeks to experience. Plato says the same thing in the Meno.

    " The soul, then, as being immortal, and having been born again many times, rand having seen all things that exist, whether in this world or in the world below, has knowledge of them all; and it is no wonder that she should be able to call to remembrance all that she ever knew about virtue, and about everything; for as all nature is akin, and the soul has learned all things; there is no difficulty in her eliciting or as men say learning, out of a single recollection -all the rest, if a man is strenuous and does not faint; for all enquiry and all learning is but recollection." (Meno, Plato)

    1. When any person tells me he knows everything and is bigger than the galaxy, I simply do not believe him. Such claims remind me of a colorful plaque I saw at the entry to Hagia Sophia, depicting the Roman Emperor and Jesus as cocreators of the entire cosmos. They also remind me of Valliant's great book studying the dozens of ego defense mechanisms which separate so many humans from reality. No wonder so many sane people assume that spirit is just a name for insanity!! They give it a bad name. But even if we distrust such nonsense, we do have our own experience and there are more reasonable people worth listening to.

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. "And yes, folks, this is all quite simple compared to what I learned in the past two months. Two minutes to see, two hours to type, versus weeks to see in still partial form."

    Eli Zabar, owner of EAT in NYC, once told me he could tell me everything he had learned over 5 years about about baking bread in 2 minutes. : )

  4. That final comment reminds me of when Karl Pribram asked why my model of intelligence in the brain was so complicated. (Really, it was as simple in its way as general relativity...) Well, I said, we agree that brains are more complicated than radios. One can write a quick, beautiful and accurate poem describing a radio in two minutes, and describe how to use it just as soon. (OK, not any more, but you could back then.) But to really understand how they work, well enough to build them, you have to attain a higher standard, and use more math. One of Karl's former students started the classes he taught at Harvard by saying: "Think what my colleagues would say about how radios work, using the methods they use on brains today. They would yank out a capacitor, watch the radio whine, and call it 'the whine center', and then.,.. a thousand dead radios later.. they would compile a huge atlas.." It is always easier and quicker to emit a few meaningless words than to actually understand what is going on.

    1. But of course, I don't mean to say that guy baking bread knew more than two minutes of talk. Some things are harder to do than others. Some, like avoiding extinction of the human species, are a WHOLE lot harder, and I wish I could give you all a reliable recipe even if given a week. But if you don't care about the details you need to make the recipe actually work... well, in that case, you could join a lot of clueless elected people.


  5. Q2. Density matrix (DM) formalism is used very often, especially by condense matter and theoretical chemists. If I understand, this makes approximate calculations doable while exact calculations may be impossible. Do you know of an example where DM calculation gives different results from Schrodinger eq. calculation when doable?

    1. That isn't exactly how it works.

      When there is a chunk of solid matter in an experiment (guess how many experiments in physics don't involve at least one chunk of solid matter in the lab..), the pure Schrodinger equation calculations are utterly intractable. There is ALWAYS approximation present in that case.

      i have seen unitary-thinking theoreticians claim to do exact modeling of what happens to wave functions passing through solid matter, by assuming that their simplified model of that solid block of matter is exact. Exactness by assumption. that reminds me of TV news discussions of fake news, exact by assumption. The most exact models are those which admit that they are approximate, and work hard to get good approximations. The best of that relies on density matrices -- and, in quantum optics, on master equations (and, by the way, on Glauber Sudarshan type distribution functions, which I myself generalized to the case of all bosonic density matrices, much to the horror of some of the high priests).

      Strictly speaking, a clever lawyer would ask me to give the exact details of the very specific NSF reviews I was thinking of --- of specific quantum computing device designs which WOULD work according to unitary dynamics, but would NOT ACTUALLY work, according to the many NSF reviewers. That would be the best immediate backup to what I said. But in fact, NSF paid more attention to the Privacy Act than white house and intelligence agencies seem to these days even with classified information, and I feel bound to continue to obey that law even after Lamar Smith has made such huge changes to harmonize the culture. However... I CAN say that people were delighted to fund work following the implementation path laid down by Neil Gershenfeld et al, in their article in Science magazine, where they showed how to encode some of the ideas which the theorists had talked about into actual density matrices. That was a pivotal event in the field.

  6. Q3. Consciousness is very hard problem for science. Some people may say that it is not relevant to the present investigations in physics which deal with matter and energy. So I am not sure what you mean by applying MQED to such areas.

    1. Good question. In a way, I was trying to say what you may be saying here. Among other things, my blog is trying to say what Muni said (more clearly) in his talk at Nepal, where he said we should not weigh down our discussions of consciousness with the albatross of Heisenberg's "fourth commandment." The Heisenberg measurement formalism has ALREADY been replaced by a use of density matrices, which ALREADY gets rid of metaphysical observers. When we discuss whether cats have souls (as I personally believe, but not because of anything in a physics lab), we should feel free to give up any entanglement with quantum measurement or that type of physics. We don't need to put cats into endless Schrodinger types of experiment to test whether they have souls.

      HOWEVER, in a totally different context, I have discussed how models of the mundane type of intelligence we see in the neural networks of the brain (a type of consciousness which exists even before any impact of soul, in my view) are essentially the top level of a chain of approximate models, building on MQED to describe how electrons, photons, neutrons, and photons interact. A great chain of approximation. One can go even deeper than MQED, in my view, but the blog already says that. That deeper mathematics COULD be seen as a kind of great perfect mind... or not.. the words do not matter.

  7. Q4. I hope you do not mind such criticisms. I think, disagreements are always good for science in the long term

    1. No, I actually thank you for such very reasonable questions. Yes, they are good. I am especially thankful, given my limited skills in communication, and the level of maturity required to deal in such a reasonable way with my feeble attempts to translate into English.

  8. Q 1a. Does your MQED model give the same results as QED about presently available experimental results? Q1b.As far as I can tell, there is no known disagreement of QED with experimental data. Modern QM (QED) experiments are usually done with lasers and optics. So they would have noticed discrepancy if it existed. Are you relying on future experiments to tell the difference?

    1. To Q1a. Yes, it does. The paper does discuss that, and cites lots of prior work for the details.
      To Q1b.Frankly, many of the engineers would not bother to send papers to the philosophical or even superstring theory kinds of journals to explain.

      As I just said to ..., they are mostly happy to find ONE version of QED which works in THEIR application, and I see different choices in different applications. I was in a very unique place to see that, since I was responsible for panels covering the whole gamut of quantum theory and modeling for electronics, photonics and related device technology (also accounting of course for phononics, plasmonics, other pseudoparticles used in electronics and so on). My recent paper on MQED only reviews that aspect briefly, since the quantum optics experiments with double and triple entanglement are complicated enough for most people to understand.

      BUT: there are still folks out there who reject ALL forms of reality, including the simple many-worlds models (which the best Bohm models effectively just rederive thorugh the back door), because word leaked out form my IJTP paper of 2008 that the usual Copenhagen measurement formalism DOES NOT FOLLOW from the many worlds dynamics. So you either give up on reality ALTOGETHER, or you need a new measurement formalism. My 2008 paper DEDUCED a new measurement formalism FROM THE DYNAMICS and the boundary conditions ALONE. Thus by sheer logic, even before experiment, you know you either give up reality ALTOGETHER or go to a new measurement formalism.

      Q2. Density matrix (DM) formalism is used very often, especially by condense matter and theoretical chemists. If I understand, this makes approximate calculations doable while exact calculations may be impossible. Do you know of an example where DM calculation gives different results from Schrodinger eq. calculation when doable?

  9. "2. To make numerical predictions of what we will see in experiments, we give up the idea of S(t). Instead, we base everything on a mathematical object ψ(t), the "wave function". Ψ(t) represents all of our knowledge at time t, reflecting our uncertainties."

    The model I have elaborated and called the "integrated information system" (or IIS for short), by definition, is a limit to which knowledge about the modeled object tends.
