Therefore, I plan to talk about three entire LEVELS of new understanding of how
the universe works, STARTING with a better understanding of the David Deutsch
"multiverse" theory of physics, which very few people fully understand, which was
the foundation he used when he invented the Quantum Turing Machine (QTM), but
which also opens the door to much more powerful general technologies. You can
STATES the Deutsch multiverse theory as one of the equations
(the "modern Schrodinger equation").
The multiverse theory states that the state of our entire cosmos at any time t is
fully and exactly expressed as a function psi(t,X), where t is time and X is
a point in "3D Fock space," the space we really live in. The modern Schrodinger
equation may LOOK small and simple, and many people THINK they understand
its properties. But that equation is the dynamical equation describing a KIND of very
tricky nonlinear system. Back before chaos theory was invented, many leading
mathematicians THOUGHT they understood how simple dynamical systems
behave, because of how simple the equations looked, but chaos theory taught us
that the EMERGENT PROPERTIES of such a system are sometimes very radically
different from what we THOUGHT we knew. I will TRY to make time to briefly state
TWO of the properties of the modern Schrodinger equation, which already put us
into a technology reality radically beyond what most policy analysts begin to imagine.
AT THIS LEVEL, I will assume that the operator H is just the standard Maxwell-Dirac
operator H used by Schwinger in his pioneering work. Radical changes in technology are possible ALREADY at this level of physics, quantum electrodynamics (QED). (That is enough even for LEVEL 2, but Level 3 goes beyond.)
PROPERTY 1: The wave function psi (t,X) describes a possible STATE of our ...
cosmos... multiverse.. whatever you call it. It does not describe a PROBABILITY
distribution for the states which might EMERGE from a physical system like an
experiment or a device. QISCOG reviews taught me that device proposals which
assume that we can encode our uncertainties into a wave function simply would
not work. Fortunately, we do not need to write out all possible functions Pr(psi(,X))!
Modern condensed matter physics (used in all REAL device design, as you see at shows that we can represent the state of a device by using its
DENSITY matrix, rho(X,X). Instead of a Schrodinger equation, it obeys a type of
dynamical equation we now call a MASTER equation. (Some talk about
"Lindblad form" equations, a TYPE of master equation.) IN OUR EFFORTS
TO ACTUALLY DESIGN AND BUILD a whole new level of Quantum Artificial General
Intelligence (QAGI), even the first stage work injected into the upgraded patent
disclosure require full understanding of what a master equation IS, and how to build
simulations which account for it. EDUCATION OF PARTICIPANTS ON PROPERTY
ONE is the biggest barrier by far to global dissemination of a radical rebuilding of the internet.
PROPERTY 2: !!TODAY!! Finally, I get to the subject line of this email.
(Please forgive all this background stuff!!)
The fourth big claim in our patent disclosure is for "Quantum Annealing of Things"
(QuATh). At first glance, it SOUNDS like a control system which reverses time.
Imagine that you are building a control system onboard a modern highspeed airplane. (I have actually done this. Search on "Werbos" and "reconfigurable Flight Control", or search on the work of Chuck (Charles) Jorgensen from his time at
Using our modern RLADP neural network optimization designs, we can build
systems which LEARN how the airplane seems to work, ON THE FLY, enough to
anticipate possible crashes or attacks and perform control actions which save
the airplane. This was already a huge advancement, proven to work on large real
aircraft, dramatically reducing crash rates, for builders who knew about it. But it had
great limits. It was all based on classical physics, using trained stochastic models
to anticipate POSSIBLE future states.
With QuATh, we can put the airplane ITSELF into a state of quantum superposition,
simply by connecting our QAGI controller (detailed both in the patent disclosure and
in detailed diagrams maintained by Georgie Keitt of Requisite Q) to the controls we
were using already. We can exploit Deutsch physics to PREVENT a crash or
explosion or loss of control ten minutes into the future, BY OUR choice of controls
at time t in advance.
Intuitively, can you remember an old Star Trek episode where the image of the
spacecraft suddenly becomes multi-image and blurred, like what you would see
if you were cross-eyed a thousand times over, BUT SOME of the images explode
while other become calm? And yes, you can then CHOOSE which image you want?
That may SOUND like a reversal of time, BUT IT IS NOT. It is 100% consistent
NOT ONLY with the modern Schrodinger equation, BUT ALSO with the good old
Copenhagen model of quantum measurement, where quantum measurement
ONLY changes what happens at the time of measurement and later. LEVEL 2 IS
quantum measurement, such as what has been discussed in new work by
Yeshua Ben David, by Werbos and Dolmatova and Werbos and Fleury, and
unpublished (because mind-blowing) work under Marlan Scully, Yanhua Shih and
HOW could control at time t prevent a crash at time t+10, without violating
Deutsch physics?
This gets into PROPERTY 2 of the modern Schrodinger equation.
When people THINK about the dynamical system in Deutsch physics... by normal
(classical) human instincts, they tend to IMAGINE the universe splitting at a time of
decision tau, after which each... universe? possibility?... is governed by the
modern Schrodinger equation, which conserves probability. They usually imagine
two separate universes just going their own way. (e.g. In 2022, Trump was
President in one, but not in another). A little interference is sometimes possible,
but not much.
AS WITH CHAOS theory, this is a case where our natural mammal brain intuition
is dead wrong, and seriously misleading.
CRUDELY... as first approximation... we might think of these possible "universes" or
"states" as approximate EIGENSTATES of H. People imagine that psi(t,X) will
look like exp(ikt)psi(0,X), where k is real. Just oscillate. DEAD WRONG.
k, an eigenstate of H, MAY be a COMPLEX number. Physics is FULL of
"virtual states." It is quite possible to FABRICATE devices which appear
time-asymmetric, as with energy leaking away from flux qubits in a real quantum
device. That is the key to our new patent disclosure and designs. The result is that
the UNWANTED eigenstate fades away in probability, such that only the desired
state is left after 10 minutes. Initial hardware simulations, already performed by others
in special cases, PROVE that this does work as advertised, as already discussed
in the patent disclosure, AND AS the initial computational work in hand has begun to
generalize, on a path worked out and applicable to ANYTHING we can do
with deep learning. (These examples appear in the folders of Project Amaterasu, now being
upgraded into the folders of RequisiteQ led by Georgie Keitt and AmitAora.)
Actually, there are two kinds of virtual states. For FREE states (states of an isolated system fling
around in a vacuum), a state may be virtual when its energy (T0) does not fit its
mass and momentum, as discussed in
But for states propagating over a certain kind of potential well or in a crystal (as in the cMRFp model
described in, the eigenvalue may have an imaginary component
which can also lead to dissipation WITHOUT losing heat to a reservoir).
IN EITHER CASE, IT SEEMS like retrocausality, but no, it is just the most basic conservative form of
Deutsch physics. Level two ALSO uses Deutsch physics, but a new model of
quantum measurement, which allows even stronger "retrocausal effects"
(as may also be evident in some special cases colleagues have informed us of).
LEVEL THREE is something radically different, an important parallel track.
Based on what I saw in Werbos and Davis, and in the NSF COPN research topic,
I believe that mammal brains ONLY USE classical QED physics, NOT QuIST, except
perhaps for functions like associative memory and matrix multiplication INSIDE
some neurons. No quantum intelligence at the systems level. HOWEVER, based on
personal first person experience, I strongly believe in the existence of something like
"qi," a web of connections from what we call "dark matter" not just BETWEEN
galaxies (for which we have great photos taken by gravitational lensing) but
all the way to stars and planets and even life itself. If I ran UNESCO, I would give
great priority to a new crossdisciplinary research activity, AMPLIFYING
(and widening?) the research at LLNL on "axion dark matter" by applying it with higher and higher resolution WITHIN our galaxy and solar system, and attempting to apply it to SOME more credible
experiments on qi on humans. I would even hope that such instruments could be a great addition to the Internet of Things, allowing it to be human-centric
beyond what people now imagine. But instead of aiming at the axion theories which connect directly to QCD, I would build in the great breakthroughs recently
reported by Boston College:
As of now, these have reported actual detections, and the fit better with advanced models of
what particles are actually made of.
Those experiments might or might not work out, on the first try or later tries, but science demands that uncertainties as huge and as important as this should be resolved by experiment.
Certainly many people have said "Oh, quantum. That's old. Why would you
imagine that there could ever be anything NEW, or that a retired person
like you might be relevant?"
Of course, they said the same kinds of things about backpropagation since
That's why Geordie and others have been working on a slide "deck" to explain it to
investors who need proof.
I learned a LOT about this when I was THE NSF member of QISCOG, the
interagency coordinating committee for all USGOV RD&D on QuIST (Quantum
Information S&T), AND when I managed reviews of proposals in that area to
the Engineering Directorate.
BEFORE that, I thought I knew quantum foundations very well. I was a student of
Julian Schwinger, who shared the Nobel prize with Feynmen and Tomonaga
for the first really working quantum field theory, the canonical version of Quantum
Electrodynamics ( QED). That link I sent you to my physics photo album
includes a photo of Schwinger's compiled integrated book on QED, THE foundation
of what won the Nobel Prize.
But in NSF reviews and in QISCOG, I learned that I needed to totally rebuild my
understanding. My talk on Sunday will start (and maybe end) with the two most
important fundamental principles I did not know before then, without which
QuIST simply won't work.
>90% of USGOV RD&D in quantum computing is based on the Deutsch version of
physics and on the Deutsch theorems on the universal quantum Turing machine
(QTM). If anyone wants, I would be happy to send out some of my own papers citing
his two key pieces of work (Fabric of Reality and QTM).
Speakers at the French Embassy and my other sources have been VERY clear that
QTM work simply is not catching up with Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), deep
learning with neural networks.
What is new here is that I have a patent pending now published by PTO which
explains a totally new type of quantum computing, based on what I call thermal
quantum annealing (tQuA), and a large folder of further details under Georgie's care.
Probably none of the well-known sources you cited are aware of this new
The number one obstacle is finding students who know quantum physics well enough
to be able to do the necessary next steps (like the tasks in the "urgent" folder).
JUST NOW, I think we found ONE student near graduation in then US ready and
ABLE to take on the computer work, and MANY in Bangalore, easier to mobilize.
Our Indian partners are working on legal... (to be announced).