Thursday, June 3, 2021

One More Experience of Higher Consciousness With Age

This morning -- I worry whether my blog posts on higher consciousness may have been misleading, and in need of correction. As I look at what I said from a distance... the errors they might encourage are actually quite subtle, from the viewpoint of logic, but in real life, they seem important. They do affect my PSI plans/strategy, and all of us should have SOME type of PSI plan or strategy, informal as it may be and in need of continued updating.

I have described the time "from age 70 to 90 or death" as an "age of uncertainty". Is it smooth sailing until a sudden easy transition, or.. unpredictable jerky changes in life, like an old car losing parts in a way hard to predict? 

A positive view: is it Death on the Installment Plan (DOIP) or Duality on the Installment Plan? I have written here about various types of "cosmic consciousness" (CC) experience which I MAINLY had in bed when fully conscious in the early morning. 

I mentioned something my little sister told me she read, a long time ago: "Am I Li Po who just woke from a dream of being a butterfly, or am I a butterfly who just started a new dream as Li Po?" Am I one level of life in CC, and a lower level more and more late in the day? Does DOIP mean I am becoming a bigger "butterfly" at CC times, but a lower human later in the day, a kind of division of states, moving slowly from alchymical marriage (me as union of "beast and angel") to alchymical... not divorce, as the beast will simply die even if I take reasonable care of it?

AT ALL TIMES of day, I still remember the important "Scylla and Charybdis" challenge which all sane humans should always be aware of and try to manage, at "all times" like never swaying so far to left or right that we fall over. THIS challenge is -- not to overestimate or underestimate what one could accomplish, with what one has now. Not too much overestimating one's powers or strengths, but not falling into false helplessness as an excuse for not living up to one's natural .. whatever... dharma?

At normal times of day, memory of CC and times of greater capability should support thiskind of balance. You remember you can do much better, but also remember not to overglorify the limited perceptions one has at the time. I do not do Irish Cream any evenings any more, but this kind of "staying balanced by memory" was especially notable on such days when I did.

But at CC times... as that evolved and grew until this morning... slowly humility required me to remember the principle of "partial gating" I have described here before. I can gate to a level of consciousness which is much higher than my normal best, AND YET IS ITSELF finite. A kind of "spirit of the deep" connection, extremely important. The challenge is to strengthen and manifest that connection, even as becoming more clear that the individual person side of that (the "me" more or less, noetic as it is) is NOT identical to what it is channeling.

This morning, a small mundane but real experience forces me to focus a little differently, and adds just a little to the requirement for humility not as a social gesture but as part of truth and sanity. 

The small thing -- a friend called this small thing "a pain in the butt."

Earlier this year, the "old car" had more and more problems seeing, then tooth problems, and then a terrible A1C blood test result just on the day before a covid vaccination shot I thought would start a more normal life. The eyes are back to normal, thanks to posterior capsulectomy (a complex story, and thanks to especially good doctors). Teeth close enough (likewise). HOWEVER: just a few weeks, when my wife Luda suggested how I might help her clean walls of a room in our house (as she prepared a bigger restoration).. I bent over, and suddenly felt a pain in right hip. I decided to rest a bit (not the worst pain in my life!).. but it seemed to be a discrete change, a bad one, not yet over despite all kinds of normal approaches to cope with it.

The story of that groping.. not yet over... would not interest most people (except those facing the same). Bottom line: THIS early morning... lying in bed... sheer physical pain sure affected "the beast" and affected even how well I could link to the spirit of the deep or CC. To REDUCE attention to physical pain, it is more realistic now to get put of bed, and get into a more sustainable sitting position, a position controlled by the awareness habits I have been trying to learn more and more lately. No total CC now. Now the best I can do... I can do right now, in a sitting position on a firm chair in front of the laptop where I am typing this. 

Even before I gently moved out of bed (at 540AM, when I would usually be starting an hour of deep CC activity)... I did remember bits of a video Luda showed me ... months ago... of a Japanese Buddhist who alternates between zazen type of meditation, aiming at CC with no inputs from the mundane body, and a moving kind of meditation, still aiming as high into CC as possible WHILE ALSO maintaining a balance and coupling to mundane activity. 

Where does this lead? PART of CC has been activity DIRECTLY on PSI levels ... levels which connect us after all to other people and to the rest of the universe, and even to some PK connections to it. (A little gentle qi to try to ease the muscle sensitivity and pain? That has value, but does not make me an immortal. If I had THAT level of skill, I would not be down here in the kitchen chair right now! I think. Unless it was called of me, here and now, to write THIS?) 

Another part of CC has been planning and linking... usually a list of things I can or should do after I get up... and some links to help. And ways of looking to stay as positive as I can, which I deeply want to do. Our neighbor says it is "faith, family, friends FFF" which keeps him motivated enough at a deep level to stay positive (and to WANT to stay positive, for all their sake).

I tend to really the old Rosicrucian mantra "life light love (LLL)," and of course draw energy form that realization. In either case, I recall the saying "To integrate or disintegrate, those are the choices." To flow positive as best one can, while one can.

But now... no great plans for this day, except a very small Quaker Meeting in the evening where FFF and LLL are easy even for a late night fuzzy eyed mortal to see.


Six days later: That day was unusually bad for me health-wise. On Tuesday, I talked to my new GP, and

then read:

Maybe I had one or even two more days when pain in bed kept me from my usual "Cosmic Consciousness" (CC) hour in the early morning. I am so glad that came back and seems likely to stay! Glad because there is so much of that unique work which needs to be done, which requires a two way partnership between my old but full old brain and Higher Intelligence. Lately, when I try to discuss it with Luda, I find it more comfortable to use the simple phrase "Higher Intelligence". This morning I said: when and if we connect better, we can connect like two eyes to better see what is there. 

Our neighbor Ed includes "prayer" a lot in his regular spiritual practice. Is "prayer" when we speak to Higher Intelligence (or Intelligences??), or is it when we listen? I expect it should be a balance of both.

"Why should God listen at all?"

Well, I remember meditating deeply in a sacred onsen (hot bath) in the center of Shinto, thinking about how my foot is to me as I am to our noosphere. Yes, I do push it around a lot, and should, but I should also be aware and sensitive and learn from it to, and consider its needs. This week, I think more about my hip and my lower spine, but TWO-WAY awareness is essential. That is the path of nature and it is what my new four-fold vision of reality predicts. (That vision does include our local noosphere of course, and more.) 

The deepest and most complete attunement (or "assumption" or "avatarhood") state.. helps each side of the connection be more fully aware of the other, and connected, yet also aware that it is CONNECTION, not an identity. Like two "persons" within a larger symbiotic mind. 

But this week, it seems I must do more deep connections with parts of my body, in order to maximize CC hopes for the future of my (admittedly short) mortal life. (Twenty years is short by those standards, but it is not as if I know the number.)

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