Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Anotherf Hard Medical Step: MUST give up


Yesterday, a visit with my new doctor demonstrated: first I MUST totally give up what you see in this picture. I have passed one more clear and gigantic milestone on the road to inevitable death from .Lately, I have thought of this as "Death on the Installment Plan" (DOIP). It is like an old car, where one part fails after another, and each major failure demands a CHANGE; what made sense before that is not the same as what makes sense after, This time, it was A1C level, as in Type II diabetes, though bas cholesterol and sugar levels combine enough to demand I pay attention. "If you ke the right mesimple measures now, your cha nces of heart attack in the next teb years drop to 16%, but now it is 40%."

This was NOT my first encounter with DOIP. About 20 years ago, walking down Old Rag Moungtain, I had sudden extreme pains in my knees. They were so bad it felt I could not come down from that moungtain, but I had no choice. That rtime, I learned fast. I read how aging hits a point where the body no longer produces enough of its own glucosamine to protect the joints. I learned exactly how to use simple pills (easy and cheap at Costco) plus a well considered exercise regime to stop the prblem. I did, simply stop it. All is well now. But it took effort, and I still get a few warning pains in kn ees and back, even feet, which I know how to respon to.

  But this new one... ... I don't yet know. I DO know I need to be quite struct and simple now about the Irish  Cream and ice cream. Does God want me to turn into a Mormon in my old age? We will see. But I only started to use Irish Cream in the evenings after it appeared at Costco, and I noticed, in this covid period. Couold IT be why my a1C, formerly not an issue, rose to 7.5? But I already noticed that late night Irish Cream did correlate with some kind of bad feeling in the circulatory system, and noq there is a clear explanation for why. Sadly, it applies also to the ice cream I was starting gto eat at night as an algternagtive to Irish C ream. Bot clearly max ut fat and sugar, at a bad time;there is no excuse to agonize over them, when I can simply ditch them, and the try to agonize over what else I shoulkd changd.

Could it be that new high sugar and A1C could help explain why my eyes seem a lot weaker for the same few weeks? Will all get better after I make massive reworking of diet and types of exercise? I hope. Much I have to learn. 

Of course, I always knew that people have lots of extreme diet theories about blood sugar. Maybe it was fine that I imostly ignored them, when I had a btter ability to metabolize that higher sugar. His metabolism was a great thing in many ways, but.. death on installment plan. Now must change.

The popular diets are so contradictory and illogical that I don;tknow what to do now. If all calories except meat/protein are bad.. well, we remmeber Ben Franklin and ketones. No obvious right way. Linus Pualing? No night time snacks at all, like the Jian, rigid rules about WHEN to eat? And yes, lots more of the dier I sometimes used... yogurt with fruit, and some herring, in the morning. 

Doctor says I should not be horrified by lipitor.

I remember how 23andme records genetic DIFFERENCES in what is good for different people to eat. Fine, I was differet,  but I doub t my genes have change this year. So how to genes and aging crosshatch? What of Richard Hood's whole bosy modeling?

So much to learn And somuch restriction on what I can do, like this, when eyes are weaker and computers are doing strange things. 

BUT: A few weeks ago, I resolved: DONT think of it as death on the installment plan. Thinnk of it as Duality on the Installment Plan. Truly, as my body grows weaker and older, the powers of my soul are also growing. More and more, I think of a poem my sister lived when she was little, including: "Am I Li Po sometimes dreaming of being a  butterfly, or am I a butterfly dreaming now he is Li Po?" Truly it is both (albeit a different flying soul). And mmore and more, the soul part grows as the other part shrinks But both parts demand exercise and connection.. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this! By the way I do the same, test for correlation of food vs health indices.
