Wednesday, May 13, 2020

How can each of us concretely connect with the nooosphere?

Amanda recently asked a few of us: "We can try to understand the noosphere intellectually, but how can we make a stronger direct personal connection?" 

I start from the assumption that WE individual humans are a symbiosis of the mundane brain and body we see so easily, already connected to another part of us which in my view is a PART of the noosphere. The BOUNDARIES of that part within the noosphere are not so crisp or unchanging as many of us believe, but even so they are real enough that we could use the word "soul" or "personal soul" to refer to that part, the part in close symbiosis with our mundane brain and body.

This view is a lot like what Dante said, when he said we are each of us "part beast, part angel." **IF** the two parts are well integrated, and work together, it fits the old Rosicrucian concept of "Alchymical Marriage."  (By "well integrated," I mean some level of "second order sanity" as discussed in detail at, the special issue organized by Stan Klein and his collaborators.) 

And so, if we try to set up a SCHOOL to train "PSI" as PART of the curriculum for everyone, we need to analyze harder what the elements of PSI really are. Here, I think of PSI as the collection of skills connecting US (our personal brain, body and soul) to the rest of the noosphere, resulting in many skills of positive value. In actuality -- if our personal "soul" is like a part of a brain, it is mainly an INFORMATION system, defined by its inputs, outputs and what it does with them (but the outputs may be a combination of outputs to other parts of the "brain" of the noosphere and of external actions, what we call general PK). 

Has anyone ever actually TRIED to set up a school which teaches students the SKILLS of body,brain and PSI, with the absolute minimum indoctrination and a maximum of real practice, including the full range of brain skills from history to mathematics and so on? Actually, I have visited two such schools. One was very successful new Quaker School (FCS) which I helped set up in Maryland when my three oldest children were small. Another was West Point, the lead university of the US army! I was amazed when I visited their museum a few years back to see that skills of mind, body and soul WERE the founding principles, inserted by Thomas Jefferson, a rather interesting person from this part of Virginia. I tend to believe that FCS got a lot further on the PSI part, but the world could do better still, and SOMEHOW SOMEWHERE we need the kind of dialogue and research which makes that possible. 

But what ARE the range of important skills in PSI, or for intelligent information systems in general? (Yes, we are systems.) 

Again, input, output, and "thinking". There are many specific skills WITHIN each category, and integrating them, but if we focus on one at a time, we can avoid being lost in chaotic stuff which sounds like taking drugs. 

So: this time, "INPUT," the first skill in PSI. 

This Sunday, our Langley Hill Quaker meeting by Zoom revolved around the theme of "listening," the specific type of PSI input skill which Quakers have worked hardest historically to cultivate and express. 

One of the great successes of FCS (which other Quaker schools have tried, and which belongs to the whole world) is the course in CONFLICT RESOLUTION. A major PART of how that course works is teaching children to REALLY LISTEN as deeply as possible to other children they are involved with. And FCS also used silent meditation, like proper Quaker meetings themselves. (These two aspects are common to all true (FGC) Quaker schools, but FCS went much further, including yoga, sufi dances and other approaches. Hey, the kids also ended up doing better in getting into good colleges!) 


That's a big subject in itself, with examples from all of human history. But in general, the hard core mystical versions all include a phase of QUIETING THE MIND. Western mystics would talk of SEEING (as vividly and tangibly as in a lucid dream) the "VISUAL SCREEN" of the mind, as a kind of blank screen. Stage one is to damp out the noise or distractions making that screen less than blank or clear. One holds it in a state like what Alex Hankey talks about, a state of "criticality". One can even measure such states nowadays, in principle, using brain state data to see whether the giant pyramid cells of Bernie Baars' "global workspace of consciousness" appear to be in a state of criticality. If this can be done using inexpensive EEG caps, it could even be used in schools as a kind of biofeedback to help kids learn they are entering such a state, just like my little incentive spirometer which can strengthen the power of breathing exercises (also on the curriculum).  
(Hey, even kids who breathe can get into some colleges. They do not all REQUIRE that the student be a corpse or a zombie.)


What APPEARS after that, on the screen of consciousness and in inner hearing (all senses at times), DEPENDS ON CONNECTION.

And this is a very important universal prediction of the mathematical theory of intelligence expressed in the paper by Werbos and Davis (Yeshua) (see, all open access).  It is DIRECTLY linked to what we dicsussed before re Olshausen, Pribram and Freeman... AND yehsua's Hebraic symbols!


Stilling the mind (or simply Bernie's GWT) is NOT ENOUGH to give you what you WANT to appear on that screen. In a way, it is like turning on the little TV monitor which hangs in my kitchen as I type. Turning it ON does not determine what you SEE.
YOU (brain+soul) have a certain degree of natural free will, which is essential to good proper use of that screen.

if you decide to DO NOTHING (hoping that God the Father will jump in here)... well, it's VERY rare that you get THAT lucky,
and wishing won't do it. Generally, what happens is that YOUR PERSONAL SPIRITUAL/ NOETIC CONNECTIONS DECIDE WHERE THE INFORMATION COMES FROM. For example, if you have a deep spiritual connection to a local nunnery (because you once visited and felt real deep love when you did), your mind will tend to fill up with whatever is emanating from THERE that day. In fact, most people on earth probably have such a fixed, invisible but strong net of connections which always drive into their feelings and assumptions even if you don't know it. (THIS month, coronavirus disease and economics have created SUCH a palpable surge of fear and such which people OUGHT to be able to see, but then agian they think it is just THEIR feelings of fear and loneliness!). 

One of the most important basic skills in PSI is the skill of CONSCIOUSLY moving your mundane eyes, your mundane inner attention AND your soul focus of attention in the noosphere AT WILL, so that you KNOW where you are looking and can SHIFT attention consciously. In the School of Management in Kathmandhu (thanks to Varadan for making that possible!), I urged people to study Levitin's book The Organized Mind, which describes this issue of conscious focus at a mundane level, TOTALLY APPLICABLE to PSI as well.

And so, when I mention Sian Kaan and yeshua mentions special letters (ACCOMPANIED by meanings), and others mention mandalas or other images, these are all CRUCIAL PARTS of how we focus attention in the soul, so as to connect it to the kinds of information/input AND OPTioNS to speak as well. It is right at the center of the GENERAL ability which unites so many of the specific skills.

Strictly speaking, it is not a case where the WHOLE MIND is blank. In a way, it is like one part doing input, the other holding an "address" image (like the letters yeshua mentions). 

And yes, did I not mention that CHOOSING to send love to a nunnery or another place (like the world of nature) is ANOTHER very crucial element of this skill?

By the way, Yeshua emphasizes love. It is also true that sending hate to a region of the  noosphere is ALSO a way to strengthen one's connection to it.  .If you let yourself hate Donald Trump deeply and truly enough, you will become deeply connected to him, but you might not enjoy the consequences of making that choice. I have often see this kind of effect at work, very concretely, when observing some phases of Israel-Arab conflicts, but that gets into many large subjects.

All for now?

Well, there is one more important general basic principle I should mention. If a GROUP of souls in the noosphere (or hell, a group of folks connected to each other on the internet) fill themselves with energy and life because of their connection to each other... BUT ARE NOT CONNECTED WELL TO THE REST OF IT... the total "psychic energy" or "qi" (modulated backpropagation) flowing into THE WHOLE GROUP of them may dry up, giving feelings of inner emptiness, loneliness, affect-free drifting away (with perhaps nothing but an empty delusion of bliss and dissolving into nothing in the end, a rictus like the "Crystalman grin" of Voyage to Arcturus). The only remedy is connecting from the group or people in the group to the greater 
source of energy. Visualizing the noosphere as a great tree (just a model/metaphor) stretching from archaea in the mud of the earth and Mars to the high light of the sun and sky... the connections of the WHOLE SYSTEM to both earth and sly are essential to its very life. Those parts which are not connected to that grand flow of information and qi (which is NOT physical energy or entropy) are deadwood..

For many years, the US government funded practical R&D into "psi," starting from the fanous book by Puthoff and targ, but going much further. I received a comment from one of the instructors of that later work:
In response to your below comments, I don’t claim to fully understand the concept of a “noosphere” in the sense in which you use it.  It appears under the traditional definition to be the ultimate embodiment of “reason” and “rationality” which I am sure is tremendously appealing to scientists.  However, in my view rationality alone does not encompass the full capacity of the human mind and spirit.  I have been teaching my method of TSP Remote Viewing for several years.  I call it “next generation” remote viewing.  My mentor was Ingo Swann who created (along with Puthoff and Targ) Controlled Remote Viewing which, in my view, has not been essentially changed in over 50 years.  TSP utilizes a number of other methods/protocols to tap into the larger pool of consciousness. 

I teach a 6-week very intensive course (TSP Remote Viewing Basic Level One) which always includes an operational case so my students can practice the skills I have taught them.  My students vary in terms of training and professional background.  Most have told me they were astounded to learn they had abilities they never knew they had.  Their backgrounds have included: nurses, surgeons, cyber security experts, massage therapists, military, FBI, PhD students, real estate investors, economics experts, etc. Some have been trained up to advanced levels in classical remote viewing, some trained in mediumship, some trained in psychic/psychic detective work, some with no training at all.  I am currently wrapping up two courses this week.  I have students in 7 countries around the world in my current class – Turkey, Israel, Canada, England, Canary Islands, France, and in all time zones in the United States.  Their native origins are even more diverse. 

I teach my students how to perceive differently.  This involves significantly unlearning what they have learned throughout a lifetime.  This process of unlearning in order to see/experience more is fully described in my book “Psychic Intuition: Everything You Ever Wanted to Ask But Were Afraid to Know” (2012).  It involves a certain degree of surrender to the unknown.  This is extremely difficult for academics and intellectuals.  It feels uncomfortable and highly counterintuitive.  However, once you allow your brain and mind to reorganize and perceive differently, you will actually see and experience more of the world as it is – literally.  This also opens up what I call a “superhighway” of the mind.  It’s the opposite of “rational” and so most rational folks come from a starting position that it can’t possibly work.  But it does and it has applications.  New data about the world is discovered to exist.


My reply to that one:

In response to your below comments, I don’t claim to fully understand the concept of a “noosphere” in the sense in which you use it. 

It is not a trivial concept. Since my understanding, and theory, of noosphere is a bit different from the authoritative previous work of Verdansky and Teilhard de Chardin, should I have coined ANOTHER word for my definition? 
Well, I worry that that would introduce confusion. At, I have posted links to three (no pay wall even on the paper in the Springer journal) which use a LOT of words to explain what I really mean when I refer to noosphere, by my definition/theory. Here I will not repeat those words, except to say it is close enough to teilhard and to Verdansky that I HOPE it still makes sense...
NT: It appears under the traditional definition to be the ultimate embodiment of “reason” and “rationality” which I am sure is tremendously appealing to scientists.  However, in my view rationality alone does not encompass the full capacity of the human mind and spirit. 

PW: In my view, the esoteric "brain" of the noosphere includes ALL of the capabilities we see in a human brain and more. 
That includes ability to "reason", to feel, to see, to move the muscles and so on. Anything a mundane brain can do, the brain of the noosphere can also do. but some PARTS of the noosphere (even some souls) are closer to motor output and external input parts of the noosphere than others. Some have physical impact DIRECTKLY, some only VIA their influence on other souls or other parts of the matrix of the noosphere brain.
NT: I have been teaching my method of TSP Remote Viewing for several years.  I call it “next generation” remote viewing.  My mentor was Ingo Swann who created (along with Puthoff and Targ) Controlled Remote Viewing which, in my view, has not been essentially changed in over 50 years.  TSP utilizes a number of other methods/protocols to tap into the larger pool of consciousness. 

PW: Yes, this kind of real-world experience is VERY important to anyone who tries to REALLY set up the kind of school I mentioned. In a way, it is a shame that Thomas Jefferson did not know you when he was driving the foundation of West Point (for which football is the closest they come to PK). George Washington did a lot of weird stuff (I have visited his meditation room, and his Masonic Museum in Alexandria), but not so suitable for K12 as your efforts might be. 

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