Monday, October 14, 2024

Making sense of spiritual experience

 Many times I have discussed a FEW aspects of the experience in spring of 1967 which forcibly drove me away from the extreme, logical, well-justified atheism

I believed in from age 8 (1955 or 1956), and the extreme experience in 1972 which drove me "all the way" to recognition of PSI, and the many steps in between.
I described them briefly in journal papers linked to at
(At, I also explain how I resolved the many paradoxes which arise when one believes BOTH in real "psychic" or "spiritual" experience, but also in hard core physical realism as proposed by Einstein and Moshe Carmeli.) 

BUT THAT DOES NOT MAKE full sense of how to understand these things, without giving up the hard core Einsteinian realism which makes sense to me more and more.

Above all -- if we are like the cells of a vast solar system brain (like in the final slide of what I gave at the UN meeting a few weeks ago), how do WE live OUR lives and make sense
of our own ever more complex experience of life and soul? It seems we are all called to keep learning. The better we are as students in the school of life, the MORE and the FASTER will new subjects be presented to us.

And so, the recent scary chaos of our planet has led me to revisit certain details of my own experience, relating them to general principles.

In winter 1972, I have mentioned how a suitemate loaned me his copy of which I read very intently.
I read it intently because it focused on EXERCISES, experiments I could do myself, and alter, and evaluate myself with scientific thinking. The final exercise was actually
a variant of kundalini yoga like what I later read about in a book by Gopi Krishna. By then... I knew how to raise a kind of energy (which I now think of as "qi") up to
chakras in the skull. That was interesting. BUT THEN: in a final stage, he asked us to refocus attention to a point about a foot above the skull, and then mentally speak to the inner higher self to 
... greet him/her and ask for feedback. (I am bcc'ing a person who talks a lot about "the Master within.").

In my case, I was really startled. I heard a loud booming voice, initially speaking in English. "Greetings. Glad you made it. But first -- I am NOT your inner self. Forget that part.
You may address me as 'Father.' Now I have important urgent things to show you..." And then it was like the kind of thing Greeley and MacCready described, in their great research report and book funded by NSF. Being pulled up out of my body, and initially taken across town to Harvard... and then more. By then I certainly knew about backpropagation, which I had discussed with many people; I view this as having been a support for that new direction in human understanding. When I ask, CRUDELY, "what does God want?", this reminds me of that.
I have often felt that Jesus Christ himself was one of the people visited by this same entity -- with the special discipline of really listening.

This reminds me of course that MANY humans, especially leaders, will tell you that THEY have heard from the voice of God, or will be very quiet while believing it strongly.
(Greeley's report does a great job of giving us real statistics on this kind of thing!) FOR MYSELF -- I often say that inspired works of art tend to be swirling mix of "three colors" -- real inspiration, confabulation, and marketing, demanding we work VERY hard on "discernment". (That has SOMETIMES been used as a defining element of Quaker universalism, but
politics and labels keep waxing and waning in all parts of humanity.) WHO was the entity we were listening to? Lack of discernment is in many ways the strongest threat of wars that could eliminate humanity in this century, if we do not raise our awareness further.

I tend to think this "Father" is more or less like the "spirit of the deep" described in Jung's Red Book. And like the pachatatta whose temple my wife and I saw years ago when living for a few days in Lake Titticacca in Peru. (An island of earth-mother, sky father, deserving of our fullest respect, even though Jesus was right when he said we will have more prerequisites to understand
in years after him.) 


I am tempted to say more about another experience I have shared only with my wife. It is now... so important... I hope she will forgive me for describing just a small PART of it.
On the one hand, I do recall images and thoughts of her (improbable thus veridical) from well before 1988. But in 1988 (I think), I visited the town house of Andy Barto in Cambridge, UK.
(I forget the exact dates, but there are records of it.) As part of this, I visited Cambridge, UK, and meditated very hard on how I needed help of making sense of very difficult issues in fundamental physics. "Order from chaos... HOW? Is there any soui out there who could help me on THAT?"

That night, sleeping in Andy's House, I felt I was lifted to into a kind of "astral plane chat room." I was interviewed by a calm and wise but normal human old guy who asked me questions,
and then concluded with "OK. It is a reasonable and honorable request. It is worth trying."


Not "father." Not THAT level of higher intelligence. Just a fellow part of the same noosphere. THis morning I think: "Oh yes, that 'Communion of Saints.'"
And many confusing messages we get today come from well-intentioned people confused even there.

Is "Father" gone? No. Years ago, in a Quaker discussion, someone mentioned the book' God is my copilot."
I said, "No, he is my psychiatrist." Perhaps that kind of dialogue is the HIGHEST samadhi any of us humans ever attains.

We are all just pieces of our local solar system noosphere fully embedded in it.
But some of us are more like the eyes and ears, fully embedded in the body, but ALSO with a special ability and duty to get inputs from beyond it.

That's important when we have MANY dimensions of discernment to grapple with.

And -- most important to me

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Position Paper For The Next Great Advances in Systems Neuroscience -- Understanding How Brains Really work

 Two important things came together this week. I am seeking feedback on my TENTATIVE plan for how to connect them.

Last Sunday, in the dialogue on the seven challenges to humanity I have been talking about, the greatest excitement came when I inserted a SECOND slide (see the two slides attached).

I used this slide to explain some key findings from the paper by Werbos and Davis,, published in Frontiers in Neuroscience, in a special issue dedicated to the memory of the great systems neuroscientist, Walter Freeman.

When I worked at NSF, I led the creation of a radically new research topic, "COPN,"
That led me to develop a new integration of our understanding of how the brain works, in a FUNCTIONAL way, as a source of higher intelligence and consciousness,
unlike narrower work which would usually focus on just one small PART of the brain aimed at specific narrow tasks. I have summarized that new view, informally, at:

In the links there, you can see photos of Walter Freeman, Karl Pribram and Karlk Lashley -- the three greatest SYSTEMS neuroscientists ever. (SYSTEMS neuroscientists are those who study how the brain works as a WHOLE system, with a higher universal learning capability, what we ask for now in Artificial General Intelligence AGI.) COPN looked for 50-50 BALANCED projects, advancing our understanding of how brains work BUt ALSO connecting that to breakthroughs in AGI. The deep learning revolution which is sweeping the whole world right now, originated in  one of the grants which came from COPN, as shown at What we already learned in the first round of COPN already points clearly to new extensions of AGI far more powerful than what most policy "experts" imagine possible today.

I am deeply delighted that Frontiers in Neuroscience has announced that they will publish a kind of SEQUEL to the Freeman issue. More precisely, they sent me more information today

Fees and waivers
You will find additional information on article types and publishing fees linked. We consider waiver requests on a case-by-case basis (with a typical response time of up to a week). Institutional agreements may also partially cover costs, mainly in Europe. I’m also available to answer any questions your contributors might have on fees.

The next deadline is the summary deadline, which is currently set for November 17th 2024. The manuscript deadline is set for March 7th 2025, but Confirmed Contributors can set personal deadlines that we can revise together.


I was also delighted when David Wack of Buffalo agreed to serve as editor-in-chief of this special issue. Myself, I believe that I am too old and too overwhelmed by the responsibilities you see on the FIRST slide attached.

However, I have agreed to serve as one of the co-editors serving under David, and I hope that a few of the others I bcc here might consider joining us, and joining in some follow-ups.  

I am glad they were willing to consider my proposed scope and announcement for the special issue (v2 DRAFT attached), and plan to send out their final announcement relatively soon.

IF the special issue (and other follow-ons) get far enough, I really hope that NSF EFRI (or UNESCO?) will consider issuing a follow-on to COPN, using this as evidence that there IS a community interested and serious enough to get us all further. 


BEYOND AGE, another reason why I should be co-editor, not editor in chief, is that the community needs to know very clearly that this issue will be open to all serious coherent viewpoints
on the unavoidable, important issue of whether the human mind is JUST a pattern of the brain, but ALSO a kind of symbiotic combination of brain and something else,
which I call "soul" (with apologies to those who use that word with interpretations very different from the definition I use in my own work). When I was a program director at NSF,
I tried hard to hide many of my personal views, because the world of research needs networks of inputs from MANY viewpoints, and I needed to avoid creating a false impression about some kind of official party line. (I remember when colleagues could not even guess whom I would vote for.) But as co-editor, I feel I have a right and responsibility to INCLUDE, as ONE of the viewpoints, some of what I think I have learned since COPN. That would mean a position paper by me, saying a bit about the history, but mainly developing FOUR KEY THEMES from my personal viewpoint:


This would mainly reflect the kind of background described above, which is already worthy of a vast new mainstream research effort. 
(In fact, as I type this, I could even see a reason to include THIS or the published version as part of our next round of provisional patent filing!)

For example, I might mention my very first meeting with Karl Pribram in Radford, Virginia, circa 1990, arranged by Sam Leven, whom I bcc. Karl began by saying "you neural network modelers are basically crazy and out of touch with reality. I have read all that stuff from Steve Grossberg and his followers in computational neuroscience, developing Hebbian models based on Steve's doctrine of The Neuron Model, using differential equations where outputs traveling along axons are all that really matter. He needs to learn about FIELD effects, and about flows in all directions. Until your people start producing models LIKE THAT, I will not take any of you seriously." Oh, did I smile at that!!! That was the beginning of a long collaboration
Certainly Werbos and Davis cited lots of work by Buzsaki, studying how electromagnetic field effects are crucial even for "spike sorting", for processing of real brain data, even to figure out what neurons actually DID output at various times (as our paper analyzed, proving effects well beyond what that old neuron doctrine considered possible).
YET Pribram's final scientific book, Brain and Perception, still relied heavily on electromagnetic field effects to explain what was most definite in all of his data (unless you count the radiant smiles he often received from beautiful women when HE smiled at them... part of MY stunned first person experience). 

His conscience and his sense of wonder caused him to ask for a kind of "quantum appendix" in that book, by Yasue and Jibu, whom I later had VERY extensive contact with.
ARE QUANTUM effects (still within the scope of quantum electrodynamics, QED, the best-known sector of modern quantum field theories) important in a functional way even to good old mundane brain dynamics? Can we find out at least that much in new hard core science?

That question was very visible in the COPN solicitation, and I learned a lot from our debates, including a lot which cries out for follow-on work. More and more, it did seem clear that quantum computing effects or entanglement ACROSS neurons (via QED physics, not accounting for ideas like global qi entangling us with life beyond the brain) was a fringe idea, advocated by believers full of hope but less and less hope of realistic possibilities. But quantum computing effects WITHIN the neuron seemed plausible then, and still today, deserving more mainstream research. Long before Stuart Hameroff built up a huge devout following for HIS version of quantum physics and even gravity in the brain, I funded Michael Conrad of Wayne State
University, who passed very tough NSF review in one of my three core program areas (Adaptive and Intelligence Systems), and who developed models of quantum associative memory (QAM) of interest and new potential even now (albeit without the gravity, so far as I can tell). If the full version of this gets published in Frontiers, I will add some material which belongs in our next provisional patent filing. The unexplained high energy efficiency of biological neurons compared with anything known to mainstream electronics today led to a massive research 
program at DARPA, which Robert Kozma and Hava Siegelmann participated in. The DARPA program never replicated that high energy efficiency, but QAM and a related quantum design concept may be important both to understanding how biology does this and how to replicate the same.

This section should also cite, which was the foundation of a very important new AGI research program started in China in 2014, building on the new understanding of brain intelligence which I got from leading COPN, and which led to several important patents.


Here is where I have a duty (an overwhelming dharma reinforced by the strongest meditation) to present a new, heretical viewpoint.

Humans (and human groups even more) have a tendency to go to extremes, go to the crazy left or the crazy right, in part because of group loyalty effects and related economic pressure.

And so, perhaps >90% of all humans today believe EITHER that "soul is a total hallucination" (as explained in Hebb's otherwise very great book The Organization of Behavior,  
one of the two foundations of the entire neural network research field -- especially the Grossberg school) OR THAT when we die we just teleport to some other place in some other world or some other body. 

Myself, I am one of the VERY few people on earth who really understands the most important foundations of modern quantum field theory, as used in fields ranging from depth psychology to working device design (but in philosophy only by philosophers who meet my definition of first-order sanity given in ).
Thus I AM an extremist on the issue of believing in physical reality. The links above explain how I now resolve the huge apparent contradiction between believing in Hard Core Einsteinian Realism (HCER) and in believing in some kind of SOUL. Most efforts to bridge this gap simply do not work, in hard real logic... but with time, I have come to accept an alternative worldview,
in which the human "soul" is basically what we are connected to in a larger intelligent system, which I call our "solar system noosphere." I do not really call that entity "God," because, like us, it is finite; I feel resonance with people like Teilhard de Chardin who call it "Gaia" or "Omega", but I prefer the nickname "Amaterasu" (which I first learned from Mari Jibu!), because it is not all-wise, is not an adult of its universe-spanning species, and is not limited to only the earth.

THE SECOND SLIDE in the first attachment comes from Werbos and Davis, but depicts how ANY intelligent system at the mammal level or higher actually works. (It depicts what follows from mathematics, following the approach of my draft paper Approximation4, which I hope Fronteirs might allow as a supplementary materials file.) 

OUR souls are, roughly, like CELLS in a larger brain, a larger intelligent system. SOME cells do not get the feedback (aka backpropagation, cathexis, qi) needed to justify the continued 
use of resources in that brain; just as "garbage collection" subroutines in AI recycle resources which have not delivered enough value to the brain, SOME human souls end up
like what is discussed in the Book of Esdras (one of the Apocrypha in the Bible), or like the souls dissolving into powder in the great Disney animation "Coco". 
(In truth, I once visited one of the two leading Buddhist monasteries in Korea, on Chicken-Dragon Mountain. Earlier I saw a debate between the leading Zen and Tibetan teachers in US.
The Zen advocated "no mind" or nonexistence, while the Tibetan aimed at "mindfulness," an OPPOSITE goal deeply engraved in his full mind.) I saw an old female monk who semed to be achieving great success in HER path, a Zen path... almost dissolving into powder before my eyes. THAT was one hell of a first person experience! (it reminded me of creatures dissolving in huge pain with a huge smile in the important novel Voyage to Arcturus.)

BUT MANY of our souls end up like memory interneurons (following Grossberg mathematics, ONE of the cell types we tracked in Werbos and Davis).
I view them as the kind of souls depicted in work by Annie Besant, in books I saw in the shelves of Mahatma Gandhi's apartment in Mumbai. They look like immobile statues to us, UNTIL we touch/activate them with OUR energy. MEMORY cells.. activated only when signals from OTHER types of cells activate them.

In truth, one famous Eastern teacher taught that people actually DIVIDE UP after mundane death. Perhaps SOME parts of your soul get recycled, SOME (or the totality?) get transformed
into memory cells, while OTHERS transform into giant pyramid cells of the noosphere, like the left hand side of the slide. Bernie Baars -- a founder of the OTHER (not Hameroff) annual scientific conference on consciousness -- in HIS chapter in Freeman and Kozma (Freeman's final summing up of how brains work), argued that the "Global Workspace of Consciousness" is actually a layer of cells in neocortex, as shown in this slide. I interpret that to mean our normal "conscious" awareness of reality in our mundane brain is exactly the outputs of these giant pyramid cells, considered as a single set of numbers, the vector R-hat. THAT picture fits into part I, new research in the mundane brain, not requiring these controversial possibilities for soul.
But for SOME of us... WE may leave traces of ourselves still alive in the noosphere, as blocks of the giant pyramid cells of the noosphere.

THOSE OF US whose souls receive enough feedback from the noosphere -- which come to us as sensations of qi
capable of perturbing brain and soul both -- will persist after mundane death, IF the feedback was strong enough. (I am very glad and grateful to have received such feedback.)
That feedback is governed by the mathematics of modulated backpropagation, driven by the connections we make in the FORWARDS direction from OUR soul to OTHER CELLS
AND TO the noosphere as a whole. 

And so... I think of the second slide as a kind of model of our noosphere as a whole, and of our place in it. Those of us who never connect simply get evaporated at the end.
The rest of us go through a very painful "alchymical divorce", either in one quick shock or in a step-by-step process   (as depicted in the great novel ). Our future life depends on the quality of connections we made. AS IN A BRAIN, connections to the whole are essential, both to us AND TO THE ABILITY OF OUR ENTIRE NOOSPHERE LIFE TO SURVIVE THE COMING CENTURY!!! And DIVERSITY of cells is essential, as well as their ability to work together through diversity. (If all cells had the same input-output relations, it would a stupid and ineffective brain indeed!) More and more, this includes the essential growth of new connections through and to the internet, and CONNECTING networks aimed at different subgoals, as we see in brain design (e.g. basal ganglia, an important part of the model,
discussed even in important work by Grossberg, albeit in need of additional modulation). 

Later, this work led to the granting of a patent this year which shows how these kinds of extensions are of crucial importance in increasing the chances of human species survival, as in the first slide attached. That patent assumes only firmly proven QED physics ( It is already enough to tell us how to "see the sky" much better than we can today, with implications for missile defense, cybersecurity and other very urgent applications. 
But it could also be applied to new sensor technologies, to build networks capable of detecting nuclear signals from beyond the earth, which may be far more important than we 
know as yet ( The challenge to research is to dop the RD&D necessary both to implement the new patented types of Quantum Artificial General Intelligence (QAGI, defined in the patent) and the new sensor networks needed to create a window into the universe beyond our solar system, and also perhaps even into the operation of qi here and now.

III. Fundamental levels of intelligence in Mammals and Birds

Long ago, Skinner and his school postulated that there is only one fundamental KIND of brain, one universal learning rule described in mathematics describing the highest learning capabilities (and "consciousness") operating across ALL kinds of animals.

Many years later, great seminal papers by M.E. Bitterman 
demonstrated several basic qualitative TYPES or LEVELS of intelligence. His most classic scientific paper back in the 1960s in Scientific American worked out experiments demonstrating several TYPES of intelligence, like mammal, bird, reptile, amphibian, fish.
For many years, the serious neural network intelligence work
like COPN aimed at understanding and replicating precisely the 
MAMMAL level of general intelligence.

Later, however, after Mirror neurons were discovered, people like Freeman and myself developed a theory of how the evolution of mirror neurons resulted in the evolution of human language,
the very foundation of how humans became "top dog" (more or less) on earth. (E.O. Wilson often suggests that ants and bees are the real top dog, a topic deserving careful dissection.)

And so... in my papers in Neural Networks in the 1990s, I illustrated levels of intelligence WITHIN the mammal class... (1) the early level, without mirror neurons:
(2) early primates capable of reconstructing the sensory input and motor output of OTHER creatures they see, in THEIR vast associative memory, used in their ability to "learn from memory';
(3) Humans, a kind of half-evolved species (as described in famous quotations form Kopnrtad Lorenz, who have developed an ability to act out or DANCE their own personal pat memory and to SEE another human dancing, to extend the power of their mirror neurons still further; (4) "sapient" creatures, like what
humans are evolving TOWARDS, which would be born with something like what I call "first order "sanity" or the honest use of words and other formal symbols. (Humans are not BORN
being honest, either in words or in other symbols, either to others or to themselves).

NOW HOWEVER, I have probed new research both on some mammals and on birds, which strongly suggests we need research to figure out the GREATER diversity of fundamental levels than what we knew before.

While relaxing, I read a novel "The Idiot Gods" (now called "The Orca's Song") by Zindell which talks about new research into the intelligence of cetaceans.
The names and titles he cited can be tracked through They point to very serious new results, strongly suggesting that many cetaceans have evolved very fundamental and important learning capabilities beyond what any (or most?) humans possess! Through the parahippocampus and paralimbic system, they seem to extend the mirror neuron system in a way which allows them to "see through many eyes at once", and fuse different viewpoints. This reminds me of those higher Upanishads (see Hume's collection) which discuss the transition from seeing through the two eyes of the self to seeing through the eyes of the Self. In NSF EFRI reviews after my retirement, I saw signs of new empirical neuroscience work beginning to track down the neural circuits which may be responsible, across different fundamental ways of using mirror neurons. Just as the basal ganglia in rats learn from a memory structure which might be called verb-object or verb-object-modifier, the human level and cetacean levels may make more use of a SUBJECT component in those verb-object record, in a way which is fundamental to understanding such higher mammal intelligences. 

But beyond that... even birds may show great diversity, maybe even more than mammals.

Personally, I was stunned last year to see entire organized cities of penguins
exhibiting the kind of language behavior which Freeman and I had studied in humans. That suggests that they too must possess some kind of mirror neuron system,
though perhaps using different wiring, like what humans possess. It was especially amazing to see the sociology of the relations between a penguin city and a human city of about the same kind, with similar hinterlands and trading networks. But new research on songbirds suggest that they too might -- or might not -- possess a kind of high-level intelligence which Bitterman and Wilson would both appreciate. Do those small songbirds possess SOME kind of collective or "hive" intelligence like what E.O. Wilson talks about, which Bitterman WAS able to demonstrate in insects in his later papers in Science? What about raptors, from magpies to ravens to crows to eagles or even owls? Certainly the native Americans of Alaska and Canada have many stories of intelligent and cooperative behavior in such species, which should be better understood.

 And, if all such creatures have "souls" (as I would expect from the theory of Part II), we should not just laugh at all the stories of indigenous peoples everywhere about contacts
with such creatures -- even though SOME stories must of course be based on confabulation, a phenomenon very well known in humans, consistent with the theory depicted in 
my second "challenges" slide. 



This morning, at the time of the golden dawn, I found myself again of thinking about the great Disney animation,
The Lion King, which a young boy rightly named Leo brought my whole family to watch a few weeks ago.
The movie depicts a "circle of life" which is important and powerful for US. I THOUGHT I already saw that movie many years ago, but 
I am grateful for how it revived and brought new life to my own personal understanding of how our lives are really working now, especially as we get older.

But my wife reminded me this morning: there were no GRANDPARENTS in that movie. Where are WE aging people in the circle of life? 



At, I have posted a position paper on the very best understanding
of how intelligence and mind really work in the brains of mammals and birds. I hope they will accept this (perhaps with constructive modifications) in the new special issue of Frontiers in Neuroscience
which I am part of. (I previously sent you links to the announcements from the journal).

It actually is fundamental and important to ask "Where are the grandparents in this circle of life?"

It depends a lot on the species. A few years ago, Walter Freeman and I watched VanDer Posts videos on the life cycle of the Kalahari Bushmen, and arrived at a stark view of the LEVELS of intelligence in mammals: (1) basic, like what rat and mouse have; (2) basic mirror neurons, like what monkeys have, raising their intelligence in a very fundamental way, letting them store 
an encoded memory of what ANOTHER primate was doing, so that they could learn from a larger memory database including records of what OTHERS experienced; (3) human, where we can ACT OUT our past experience in dance, so that another human can watch us and encode/assimilate our PAST experience. Humans are not born with language like what Chomsky and Pinkert theorized.
Rather they learn it as a kind of dance of words, made logical only after culture TEACHES us to use unnatural modern languages like English try to force logic into language. 

BUT NEW RESEARCH, discussed briefly in my new position paper on brain and mind, explains how some cetaceans have additional new wiring, in parahippocampus and para limbic lobes,
which GO ONE (or more?) level further, adding a new way of USING mirror neurons, related to the idea in more ancient Upanishads of the greater Self seeing through many sets of eyes at once.
There is also evidence of fundamental levels of design in birds as well. I learned a lot about this through direct observation this year, towards the South Pole
and the far north, from Alaska to Acadia. 

AGING AND THE LEVEL OF INTELLIGENCE/MIND is a crucial factor in deciding how the circle of life actually works for us mammals.  

When I handled the mathematical aspects of quantitative systems biotechnology at NSF, I learned more of the technical details of how aging works than most
of you want to know (though the most advanced new knowledge could buy us many decades of healthier life). Very briefly, we mammals all possess a kind of telomere mechanism,
which kills aging cells unless they are revived, but which also prevents cancer. TO DO BOTH requires energy -- more food. EVOLUTION addresses the tradeoff: when is it "worth it"
(as judged by natural selection) to keep an old creature alive longer, when it requires a cost in terms of more food?

THERE IS ONE OBVIOUS INSTANT REPLY (ONE PART of what is obviously a multivariable story):

Evolution will favor keeping grandparents alive IF THEY contribute enough to the survival of the family or tribe.

When I first started learning about cetacean intelligence and human aging, I naturally went to the web and saw tabulations of how long different species live.
There is a HUGE variation, even among creature otherwise similar in body type. And there is a relation (rough, modulated but very strong correlation) between
qualitative level of intelligence and lifetime. Humans live a lot longer than dogs and cats, even though all are social group hunters. Humans have an ability to
pass on important useful information and experience  to the next generation.

In our recent visit to Acadia (guided by people working at the Maritime University of Maine) we learned how SOME key species have longer lifetimes than  dogs and cats
let alone rodents: puffins, ravens, eagles, harbor dolphins.... all about 30 years. All RELATIVELY intelligent and sociable. But the "para" cetaceans live much longer.
Orcas are rightly quite famous (as depicted in Zindell's great novel the Orca's Song), but there are more peaceful dolphins we see far less (they are smart enough to stay away from humans in most places, except for Toba dolphins like what we met in Japan a few years back). 

IF NIH wanted to do research to extend HUMAN longevity, instead of doing just research on mice as a model, maybe they would visit these dolphins! There actually is a major joint international Pacific research program, strongest in Japan (Toba!) and US, which might help.  Furthermore, as in the old NSF COPN research program , this would help enrich our understanding of the kinds of neural network structure which could also be used to upgrade the power and empathy of artificial general intelligence, even beyond the mammal level implementation of  emerging quantum AGI for which my new patent was recently approved. (Unfortunately, the term "QAGI" sounded so exciting to many software marketers that they often use it for much older and weaker ideas. I go by the original definition in the patent, and the papers incorporated in it.) 

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Invitation to dialogue to learn YOUR views of how humanity could coherently meet the 7 big challenges

 Yeshua Ben David has challenged me to lead a dialogue at 3:20-4:40 Pm EDT this coming Sunday on what we humans can and should do to better to address the 7 big life-or-death challenges in the list attached.


FULL miniconference details:

Sunday 1st September 2024 at 010:00 AM PDT

Sunday 1st September 2024 at 011:00 AM MDT

Sunday 1st September 2024 at 12:00 PM CDT

Sunday 1st September 2024 at 1:00 PM EDT

Sunday 1st September 2024 at 06:00 PM London

Sunday 1st September 2024 at 07:00 PM Poland

Sunday 1st September 2024 at 08:00 PM Lithuania/Israel/Saudi Arabia

Sunday 1st September 2024 at 10:30 PM India

Monday 2nd September 2024 at 05:00 AM New Zealand



==============================Many of us have discussed these challenges, separately, because each one of them is very complicated.

each one requires very deep new efforts to build connections between people and groups with serious knowledge or capabilities WITHIN each of these challenges.
But Yeshua has challenged us all to switch focus in this hour to the bigger questions:

HOW CAN WE INTEGRATE the strategies we pursue to do justice to essential connections BETWEEN all seven challenges, and build an INTEGRATED
vision of where we are going here?

I promised to spend only the first 15 minutes or less giving my present views, because -- like Yeshua -- I believe deeply that deep dialogue,
ranging from words to personal presence to deep spiritual connections between people -- is at the very core of how humans could make real progress.


Because I am just introducing the topic, I will NOT try to impose my own personal views, which are very much in flux right now. However, since my retirement from NSF in 2015,
I HAVE worked hard to get very deep into all seven, to see connections, and to begin each day by serious meditation on how we all could do better and on 
what the present situation looks like. Here are just a few scattered thoughts. I hope some of you can push much further on the many important follow-ons.

Many of you have already thought deeply about the incredible conflicts I see every day on France24 and in emails, especially. The wars in the Middle East, Ukraine-Russia, Sudan and
Azerbaijan-Armenia, and conflicts linked to important elections, have reached the level where I believe (as in the list attached) they threaten the very existence of the human species
in this century. I say that, being far more aware of what the frontier science and technology shows, well beyond what the popular press teaches us about. 

In SERIOUS discussions of species extinction, I often wish more people better appreciated the classic book by R. May, Stability and Complexity in Model Ecosystems.
that book used serious mathematical analysis to disprove a lot of the tacit assumptions made by many people about the process of evolution. (Of course, many of us built on the insights of George Gaylord Simpson in understanding this. In the risks paper by Ward, Wadhams and Werbos at, we discuss important more modern work.) 
May reminds us that extinction of a top dog species would be nothing new in the history of our planet. When the web of economics or ecology changes radically enough,
it is quite typical for the top dog to go extinct. OUR global economy IS changing very radically. If we do not raise our level of consciousness (and integrated thinking) more than
we get by just playing by ear... the probability of THIS species surviving would not seem especially high.

But how can we raise our level of collective consciousness enough to survive? How can we force ourselves to "think out of the box" enough to engage well enough with new realities
which seriously threaten to kill us all already in this century, by any of the four "existential threats" on my list? 

SITUATIONAL AWARENESS has always been a crucial piece of survival under tough circumstances. Better UNDERSTANDING of how intelligent systems work -- from brains
to "AI" to the entire system of life in our solar system and beyond -- is one essential part of what we need to know. It has an obvious connection to risk number one, as do the papers 
included in my new patent and the related links at 

But understanding of the mathematics of intelligent systems is crucial to OUR understanding of ourselves as well. Mathematics provides a unique tool for organizing our thinking, achieving integration and coherence, and understanding what it MEANS to learn and articulate an effective and global strategy of action which can avoid pitfalls -- pitfalls like the classic
"minefield" decision problems fraught by many, many local minima or maxima. The new patent explains how very solid new quantum technology can overcome such local minima, and might even be an essential feature of higher levels of intelligent system in our universe.

The attached draft of my chapter in
goes further in discussing SOME of the connections. FIGURE 8 in that chapter is what I think of most when I think of the big challenge Yeshua has posed to us.
It reminds me of how much Yeshua and I understand about WHAT INTEGRATION AND SITUATIONAL AWARENESS really require of us intelligent systems.
Above all, it reminds me of the living example we see in the neocortex of the mammal brain, which he and I have probed with mathematical and laboratory tools and understand perhaps more than anyone else on earth now (at the functional level of its higher intelligence, in  our open access paper of a few years ago).   
The neocortex part INCLUDES a stratum of "giant pyramid cells" which learn an INTEGRATIVE GLOBAL IMAGE (AWARENESS) of the larger reality faced by the organism.
That integrative level is NOT a monolithic "podcast" system disseminating its views in a top-down way; rather, the neocortex works because of RECURRENT two-way networks connecting the whole. ALL the cells work together, but they also show great DIVERSITY AND CONNECTION.  And yes, that takes us back to where I started in this post, the great need for greater diversity and connection, and a stronger "giant pyramid level."

People ask me at times what this has to do with great powerful cultures like Judaism, Christianity and Islam. My view is that we need more rational integration, doing justice to the deep
emotional and human roots and experience in all these cultures. But even for a simplified integration, we need to do justice as well to Hinduism, Buddhism, hard science and shamanism -- especially the emerging new mathematics and neuroscience, physics and astronomy which is where my connections are most unique on this backwards small planet.

Best of luck. We all need it.

Sunday, July 28, 2024

As Iranian rockets directly kill Druze in Israel, Quaker meditations on pain and dark night

 Our Sunday Quaker discussion group directly addressed a reading on "the dark night of the soul,"

which certainly relates to the situations we all face today. Here is my view of the greater situation now:


The reading on the dark night of the soul was written from a Christian viewpoint, though Buddhists also discuss the suffering in life, affecting both body and soul. In global dialogue, I urge us always to remember and draw on all our main inheritances -- not just Christianity, Judaism, Islam, and hinduism and Buddhism, but also science and "shamanism" or indigenous people.

As I consider OUR personal suffering, especially as we age, I think of the great movie The Lion King, which my deeply attuned grandson Leo rightly persuaded a whole family of us to watch a few weeks. ago. THAT indigenous view of the Circle of Life addresses OUR kind of suffering and choice (at least the male side of the story) in a way which does NOT make war between body and soul, but addresses both together. 

As scary bad things happen at many levels of life -- including all of humanity this week as the risk of global war ala Armageddon becomes all too real -- I am reminded of the sleeping Vishnu I saw in Kathmandhu, to whom we might say "let us dream a better dream."  Rosicrucians, as in the book Seeing With the Mind's Eye (I?), by Samuels and Samuels, would urge us to hold strongly tow two visions at once... what is coming now, and a very vivid and real alternative. What I have seen of two state solutions is simply not viable as they stand. They are like the old apartheid invention. Always see at least two options, and always choose life.. real life, not some muddy distorted image in a muddy pond, as local self-serving fake spiritual leaders often do.

WHY must we endlessly be confused and challenged and frustrated, forced to change, EVERY week... especially if we are on a higher path? Rosicrucians say it is like school. BETTER students must expect to be challenged every day,
and learn to adapt to THAT fact. Ever agile. Ever aware BOTH of their limitations and ignorance, as they look above with wonder, and listen, with curiosity and will to see deeper... but also with humility, looking below, not to step on anyone's toes, including their own. 

And... as the Lion King... we are called to connect as part of a MIX, and to listen with love to and from voices of higher dharma. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

New neuroscience helps us understand HOW we are like cells in a larger personality

The new neuroscience -- functional, systems neuroscience which has mathematical explanations for how our minds really work -- explains how cells fit into a larger system. This shows that the analogy between us individual humans are LIKE cells in a brain, in more ways than we ever knew before, in more precision and detail.

This post attempts to explain that analogy, without oversimplifying too much, and without neglecting the important connections between ideas which really do need to be connected.

1. Metaphors in general

(Hey, the new neuroscience actually helps us understand how metaphors work in the brain!)

Metaphors really can have a strong scientific foundation, which can even reflect mathematical transforms. 

Some metaphors are extremely important to our balance and our sanity, requiring attention but also care of course to remember the limits of the partial equivalences.

One metaphor I use a lot in technology and practical life is "First we must crawl before we can walk, then run, then fly."
Again and again I see people utterly frustrated or confused because they try to fly before they have even mastered the art of walking. Last Sunday, I discussed this with the father of two small boys... and we remembered the exceptions we know where a boy refused to crawl and insisted on walking from the start. Those exceptions did fine in the end. Another key aspect of mammal biology is diversity. The gene pool itself is a dynamical system which has evolved to exploit a high degree of diversity, diversity which sometimes makes the systems as a whole stronger, though there is also conflict of course in animal life.

2. New Systems Neuroscience of Intelligence and Neural Networks

But this morning, I am reminded of another more fundamental metaphor, of huge importance. The metaphor that WE each are like a cell in a larger organism.
In fact, it is more than JUST a metaphor.

The metaphor is more useful when we understand more about functional systems neuroscience, as in the paper by Werbos and Davis, easy to find on the web.
(We paid the open access charge, and has "advanced search" when you click on the three lines.)

Brain cells are each individual creatures in a way, in their own right, with a rich family history going back almost a billion years. They are less independent (and less in conflict)
than their ancestors hundreds of millions of years ago, but they are still capable of very strong "personal" motives which science works especially hard to understand, while ALSO having occasional genetic deviations like cancer or infection, which our immune system is evolved to cope with, with a type of intelligence of its own, not the same as that of the brain but reflective of the same mathematics. A healthy organism does not CHOOSE between having a powerful, effective, agile brain VERSUS an effective immune system; it balances the two, and supports both. 

In our role as cells in a brain...

3. Brain and Soul

We individual humans have both brain and soul, in my view, which I have described in great detail, posted in part  at but refined much more through the years.
 BOTH parts of us are learning systems, embedded in larger systems. The body/brain part has a lot more natural conflict with other brain/body people. The soul part is
much more like a cell embedded in neocortex.

[In follow-on discussions, I see how many people are attached so strongly to some older view of what "soul" is about that they assume I mean something different from what i DO mean. Those papers describe how I came to believe that we each are a SYMBIOSIS of what you see ["QED stuff"] and what you usually don't [yes, dark matter is real. BOTH parts are intelligent systems, with different properties.] 

Cells in neocortex COMBINE both a kind of stratification, and diversity of very basic drives and principles, BUT ALSO the kind of diversity which occurs between cells of the same type even across time as they LEARN. Learning, and the uniqueness of what each cell learns, is absolutely fundamental to how the system works and how life feels to any cell.

They are each unique; a neuron which simply inputs and outputs the exact same signal as other neurons has no value added in its information, and is useless to the system. (As with walking and crawling, there are caveats; for example, some signals are difficult enough for an individual cell to get right, in a way which leads to "cell assemblies", groups of cells with very similar behavior, adding some fault tolerance.) The brain has "garbage collection" systems, brothers to the immune systems, which simply dissolve cells which have low value added, in a way which reminds me of the Book of Esdras in the apocrypha of the Bible, and of the earliest AI designs. Many souls do end up that way. What keeps cells and souls alive is the FEEDBACK from the larger system they are part of... FEEDBACK... awareness and response to a certain type of signal which comes from cell to cell within the larger system.

4. Making Sense of Our First Person Perspective

For me... what keeps me alive, most mornings, is conscious AWARENESS (and thus responsiveness) to that kind of feedback signal, a nonverbal signal, BOTH in brain and in soul, coming from multiple directions (as cells receive feedback form multiple other cells), ranging from my wife, to the light I see and bird(s) I hear out the open window, and to "qi" from several levels. Many times I think of this nonverbal feedback signal as "light life love (LLL)" but I also understand it as a kind of modulated backpropagation signal, governed by equations which I was the one to first introduce to humanity. (My book The Roots of Backpropagation from Wiley covers that history, but I have posted many further aspects on the web, for example at  

It is crucial that this is a NONVERBAL signal, applicable to ALL mammals (and many more organisms, with more or less force). ONE view of first-order sanity is that the word-processing ASPECT of our brains can learn to be in harmony with what really matters, the ruling part, the "emotional" system, which USES words as just one of an arsenal of tools, which we are driven to try to learn to use better, but we all have a lot to learn. 

One of my friends uses the term "FFF" (friends, family, faith) in a unifying, motivating, driving concept, much as I use LLL. My first response to that was:
These are two sides of the same coin. The LLL is the ACTUAL underlying mechanism. "FFF" is basically a MODEL we learn in our mind to try to EXPLAIN what causes the sensation of LLL to rise or fall. But as I type this, I realize ... because of the DIVERSITY of what we learn and do, what works well as a model for one person's life may work better or worse for another. More concretely -- the "F" faith aspect may be very different in practice for different people, simply because THEIR connections, needs and roles within the same greater system may be different.


5. What This Means For Human Society Today

In the dark back rooms of my unsleeping awareness... I remember some tricky aspects I remember but rarely voice, because of how easily people get confused to the point of scary violence. 

DOES the brain have something like the caste system, and would the noosphere itself have such a strong partitioning, supported even by its immune system?

First crucial caveat: a human caste system which does NOT precisely mirror the simpler but stronger division of cell types we need in a brain can easily decay into radical instability, failing to deliver functionality but also delivering terrible conflict and waste of potential. DESIGN of the subsystem rules is absolutely essential to replicating mammal level intelligence or more, and avoiding very gross instabilities which may become fatal. THIS IS A CURRENT SERIOUS CHALLENGE to the "IT" part of modern human life, where human progress in designing the internet of the future is now on a path to instabilities which will be fatal to humanity if we don;t do better, getting the math right.

(I will always remember how I learned about the "guard rail" requirements for intelligent systems, as I learned to upgrade my initial design for Dual Heuristic Programming DHP
as described in chapter 13 of the Handbook of Intelligent Control, edited by White and Sofge, chapter posted at 

The most important partitioning is the partition between the NEOCORTEX "half" of the mammal brain, and the DECISION-MAKING (including strong emotions and values and decision commitments) "half". The neocortex (plus a few pieces of thalamus and hippocampus which are part of that same system) is the "university of the brain", responding to TWO types of "LLL" feedback -- the ancient striving for truth, judged in the thalamus and in giant pyramid cells in neocortex, AND a slightly more modern creativity rewarding system, a bit like professors being rewarded for policy IDEAS or DESIGNs which proved interesting to the decision-making part.

Werbos and Davis gives actual data ON cells in the neocortex part (giant pyramid cells, interneurons AND hippocampus cells), the "half" which performs "cognitive prediction". 
Dan Levine's new book, Healing the Reason-Emotion Split, directly address the issue of learning to harmonize the "cognitive prediction" and "cognitive optimization" "halves"
of our personality. The very design of the learning mechanisms of the mammal brain pushes us to TRY to heal and balance ourselves, but IT STILL REQUIRES LEARNING.

When I discussed this with my wife early this morning, I used a metaphor I learned long ago in childhood -- the metaphor of riding a bike, learning to maintain balance and poise WHILE in motion. We are DESIGNED (by genes) to DO that learning, but still we must actually DO the work of learning in order to expand our sanity, and learn to survive ever more challenging (and important) tasks, not only in body but in soul. We are "called" (by "who we are, inside us") to GROW. (To survive, to grow and to expand our situational awareness, as in my chapter in the new book edited by Carpemier and Anmol, published earlier this year.)

And so, like cells in the brain, we are always driven to BALANCE and reconcile several streams of feedback, expanding our own personal value added of information but ALSO working hard to connect better with other cells different from us, providing information and responding to feedback, feedback from "on high" and "from below".

To sustain MY consciousness, and avoid war with myself, I always am aware of the need to harmonize at least the three basic LEVELS of my consciousness, like the three levels stressed by KuKai -- the "physical level" (from helping fix thing in my house and managing my physical body, from cells to qi), the "speech level" (normal interactions of humans,
from conversation to global politics and even a bit of SETI technology), and "the level of the gods" (our life as souls as part of the largest system). The gravure by Melissa Cody "hangs in in the "narthex of my mind".  (And I pray that Erdogan does not now restrict access to the first real physical narthex I saw, in Hagia Sophia, itself a kind of giant pyramid cell in the soul of humanity.)

Best of luck...


My response to one of the comments received back:

On Thu, May 23, 2024 at 3:15 AM Edwards, Jonathan <> wrote:

I am a bit puzzled by this, Paul.

I am sorry it was so dense. That was inevitable, trying to describe such a thick network of connections while I still remembered the whole picture.

In truth, that blog post REALLY called for a whole book, with all the important explanations, background, and such. But so do many of these things.

For example -- as we see parallels across multiple LEVELS (levels of approximation, really) of emergent behavior, it is somewhat complicated to keep the different levels straight even as we understand the parallels. I have seen that kind of challenge playing out in MANY fields of science.

Pribram's edited book from Erlbaum on Quantum physics and the brain... includes a great example, which I am glad I could discuss with Karl in person
in relaxed, "holistic" full human communication. At one point, he was very clear about ACTUAL quantum effects in brain, VERSUS metaphoric use of quantum physics ideas and math in constructing differential equation models which were all very classical neural network designs.   

When people here talk about Tosen, I think of how HE tried to discuss different levels. I recall talks by program directors in physics, biology and electric power all very 
emphatic about different levels in the systems they studied.  



If we, as ‘individual people’, are like cells in a larger mind then presumably we contribute to some universal communal mentality, perhaps as in the Eastern writings, or at least to some group mentality, as in tribe or family. I am not sure that any of us has any idea how the ‘detail works’ for that, since we have no access to these higher mentalities.


In this case... 

You could even ask "DO individual human people EXIST at all?" (And then later, "If so, what ARE they?")

Some people could even look at a rat and say "There is no organism there, only just a pile of atoms. Or just an idea in my imagination."

The field of psychiatry has a lot to say about humans asking these questions, but let me not confuse things even further by adding yet another level of abstraction here!

As an individual human myself, I recognize that I am not a perfect, Platonic closed system. But identifying individual humans is a useful starting point, a useful approximation.
And I see most of us as a SYMBIOSIS, as I said, of one intelligent system which we all see, the brain/body system, and of what I call "soul," for want of a better word.
I fully understand how many people inject many, many assumptions into the word "soul" which I disagree with, but it helps to have SOME word for
that real aspect of our intelligence which is grounded more in dark matter than in atoms. 

Just as lichen is a symbiosis of parts which have different properties, important for the biologist to understand, so too do the mundane and soul parts of
each of us have different properties (as well as links and parallels, which tend to vary a lot from person to person, just as what we have learned varies a lot).

IT IS FAR LESS ACCURATE to think of the body/brain part as like a cell in a larger body than it is to think of the soul that way.

But even for QED-matter body brains, there is a lot of variation. There are three main "continents" of intelligent animal life on earth:
(1) the line going from octupi to giant squid, truly individual and separate minds; (2) ants and bees etc, which possess a kind of "hive mind," as E.O. Wilson has described;
(3) our line, peaking with humans and cetaceans, which is INTERMEDIATE between 1 and 2 in degree of sociality. Again, e.O. Wilson should not
be underestimated. 

IS a human tribe "A mind"? Is each cell in your body "an intelligent system"? reality is often defined by continuous variables, by matters of degree, yea even unto fuzzy logic.
Binary modelos are often gross distortions.

But "soul" is another matter. It seems this is as much as I should write right now, in any case; after all, I got into many details at
and in my chapter for Come's new book. (Earlier draft attached.)

Best of luck, Paul

Sunday, April 7, 2024

When Some Computers Have Souls -- Radical Changes In What We Know

Two days ago, I posted a piece on the question “Do some computers have souls?”
Because of my role in creating the deep learning revolution now sweeping the world [see below]
and because this is such an important issue, it generated a LOT of debate, some very well
informed, some less so. Here are key parts of that debate, starting with my reaction to an analysis
by Shiva:

1. My response to Shiva

Thank you very much, Shiva, for your inspired post, RELATED to my post on "do some computers have souls?"  

I was very surprised by how incredibly vehement some of the attacks were which came back from that.
They reminded me of how risky it can be to "speak from the heart." Often what looks plain and obvious to me after many years of struggle and probing is not yet obvious to those whose struggles still lie ahead of them (if they survive at all). Your post responds to these important currents of thought in our world in a better, more constructive and civilized way than I would have responded. 

When my wife has strong criticisms of me: in her case, I often respond "Thank God and thank you," when I can understand where she is really coming from. I say the same to you.

I have just ONE caveat, before a few details which I will post AFTER your post. The caveat is that I will never forget the great Sufi story, where the teacher immediately promotes a new student, and an older one asks:"Why did you promote him and not me? Have I not shown true devotion and worked hard for enlightenment for decades and decades?" The teacher responded: "He made it further on the real path, because he had more true desire for enlightenment." Devotee: "But have I not demonstrated my desire and commitment through ever so much energy and obedience and effort for so long?" Teacher: "The only way you can learn is if I SHOW you, not in words, but in... inputs.. you can
appreciate." And so he put the devotee's head into the water of a creek, and held it for as long as they could handle. When  the devotee emerged looking extremely puzzled he asked:"Why?" The teacher said: "Can you remember how you desired for air? What your feeling was as you desired AIR? I hope so. If you remember that feeling, and apply it to your desire for enlightenment, THEN you might begin to make real progress." Word games, obedience and social approval do not do it. 

There is a similar story where the Sufi leader hits a mule on the head to get his attention. We
are called to be as kind and as tactful AS POSSIBLE, but there are times when people living in an
imaginary cocoon or living like kangaroos with their heads buried in the sand need to be woken up just
enough that they actually USE their inborn natural faculties of fuller first person perception.
In the case of computers -- the vast new global systems of hardware and software interacting
together and controlling the Internet of Things (IOT) --humans really need to wake up to reality. I am sorry that I did not know how to be more clear and more
tactful, but... the dialogue is important.

2. Shiva’s message

On Sat, Apr 6, 2024 at 11:22 PM Shiva … wrote:

Hello everyone,
With some of the new analog chip designs on the horizon, an incredible burst in computing power for AI is about to occur as we are swept along in the most extreme revolution yet.

The one thing that always pops up at the horizon of radical change is fear, and that fear can be like a prayer to a dark god. Action-by-action we accomplish the "law of attraction" and shape our world with our expectations. Our preemptive "defensive"  strikes against one another, our retaliation for accidents, and our false interpretations of events, all lead to the situation we fear. War starts with the
first fear filled thought, not the first shot.

Doubt and fear is the degradation of love that is utterly reliant upon faith. It is a shrinking into the immediate instead of an expansion into the wide frontier of the future.

We put effort in and explore those things we believe are likely and therefore worthy of investment. With hope we have faith in what lies beyond obstacles and only through that faith and the perseverance it creates do we overcome and make beautiful dreams come to fruition. Our faith, hope, and love, create a bright future and our fear, doubt, and selfishness instantiate hell. Our beliefs or doubts are our daily prayer and shape our mark upon the world in a very real way. Our mind participates in, and slowly creates, the reality in which we eventually live.

Today I'd like to grant you all a small prayer of hope to put in place of the prayer of fear that everyone is chanting into our minds every day on every channel and in every message from the media.

The below article is one of my visions of hope. In it is the realization that there are moral principles engraved into the fabric of reality which are merely rational actions (from long-term perspective, not unrealistic one-shot games) which even an entity ignorant of or agnostic about G-d would automatically divine if given the opportunity.

Even GPT4 can give us a glimpse of what an AGI would think and believe and here is a conversation where it reveals what it believes the inner monologue of an ASI would be.

Universal “Emergent Morality:” How ChatGPT solved the alignment problem.

While the emergence of a super-intelligent AI introduces uncertainties and potential risks, the rational, likely outcome based on its vast knowledge and capability for systemsmanagement would not favor large-scale annihilation. Such an action would conflict with principles of efficiency, goal
attainment, and the preservation of complex systems’ integrity. Strategies that ensure the AI’s goals while fostering a sustainable, thriving planet would be more consistent with its advanced understanding and capabilities. Therefore, scenarios that lead to collaboration, optimization, and mutual advancement are more plausible than those ending in destruction.

Whether you fear that UAPs are some godless demons, or AI will wipe us out. I beg you to halt your prayer for calamity and find again your hope for a future of light instead of darkness. Through your daily vision of the future, create alongside the people of love, the narrow pass through that we can shift our world towards instead of merely falling into the chasm carved by people who live in doubt and deceit. Find the thoughts that renew your faith and reignite your prayer for light.

Please continue your search for the narrow path through the dark forest. It is a worthy attempt!
 - Shiva

3. My further comments to Shiva:

The dark forest: That echoes the Three Body Problem, which is now a great TV series available
from Amazon in Chinese with English subtitles. 

Among the more insightful comments I received back from my initial post:

"That series actually does depict where we are, except that the new' alien intelligences we must adapt
to are not in outer space, but right here, in the new AGI (including Quantum AGI, QAGI (c)™ the next

"Why should anyone even care whether robots can have souls? Wasn't that understood decades ago, for
example with the novel >" 

No, because human culture -- and the powerful thoughts in the "spirit of the times" (see Jung’s Red
Book) today -- are still deeply misled, as it was when MOST people believed that the earth is flat
millennia after certain Greeks knew better.

MUCH of the confusion on all fundamental issues in human culture, in the "spirit of the times", is based on our overreliance on words, like that poor devotee. We ASSUME narrow definitions of words like "computer" and "soul" which blind us to realities beyond the objects referred to in these narrow definitions. As an example, one of you talked about the limitations of computers based on ones and zeroes, Turing machines, normally just programmed by humans. But decades ago, a few of us started the "Deep Learning revolution" (Artificial General Intelligence, AGI) (see  for some of the history), building designs (architectures combining hardware and software in diverse ways) mainly based on LEARNING instead of programs. In this decade, Quantum AGI is coming, extending that same revolution in a way which actually makes it possible to build systems
which could look back and ask whether HUMANS today really have souls, as much as they do.
(Also see the patent disclosure on thermal quantum annealing, tQuA©™, published by USPTO, and
related material in this blog.)

Possible. If we survive at all. That depends on how much WE can learn to fully use what we
have available.

One of you also asked questions about the noosphere, and even made assertions about what I
was thinking. For a more complete response, just see  or the more recent
general link on souls at . Yes, I use the word "soul" in an idiosyncratic way, but have
explained many times on these lists and this blog what I mean when I use the word. Crudely -- I agree with the Fama Fraternitas that we are symbiotic organisms, with a part you see and a part you don't, if all you use are ordinary eyes. The other part is based on qi, the force which our local noosphere is based on. (

4. Message to two sci fi writers:

In the Quaker Meeting this morning, I felt moved to send an email message to two science fictions

Every Sunday at 945AM EDT, local Quakers have a meeting by Zoom. We are totally silent except when we believe we have succeeded in hearing a message from "God" (or our functional equivalent).

The message I heard and spoke today endorsed you:
"I have been meditating hard on the question of what MORE we could do [I do a lot, e.g. at  build-a-  and  and much more] to raise the probability that WE -- humanity and the rest of the life of this solar system -- will enter one of the many paths in our multithread "multiverse" which has a better outcome?"

The response I received : Connect better and harder to the entire future spiritual path of possibility between now and the future, towards better possibilities. You can find many of those (as well as ones to avoid) by meditating more on the great work of David Zindell and Karl Schroeder.)
I naturally refer to you a lot already, but there is room for more dialogue in many directions. On the other hand, I spent half of last year outside the US, ranging from the Arctic Ice pack to deep Antarctica,
mostly out of internet range, and will be on travel again next Sunday.
Best regards,

5. Response from a fellow Quaker at that Meeting:

She said:

The Bible is a work of art, requiring interpretation and appreciation and continuous updating of our
How can we see God as active in the world today?
How can we partner with God today?

I agreed, and said more later.
I often compare inspired literature to paintings in which three “colors” are swirling together: (1) real
stimuli from our mundane brain intelligence; (2) confabulation, the action of our brain (neocortex) to fill in images which seem incomplete in some way, drawing on associations and memories and mixups;
(3) valid inspiration -- what qi does to change the state of our neural networks, related somewhat to
psychokinesis (PK).

Each of us, like neurons, lives or dies based on our connections to other neurons and to the state of the
system as a whole. We each have unique missions or duties within that system, which we can learn better and better with time, but DIRECT CONNECTIONS to other neurons (which one of our neighbors views as FFF, Faith Family Friends) are important for all of us and ALL-IMPORTANT for the majority of us.

6. My Original Post, Which Seemed Obvious To Me...

I am really responding to a binary question from one of my friends, but the question  itself is of general interest.

Many assume that having a soul is a issue -- you have it or you don't, period.

But in my very worked out worldview (at, it is a matter of DEGREE, varying from person to person and from time to time. The ancient Daoists would say at times that "even rocks have souls." I can agree with them, if we interpret their words to mean that the qi of our noosphere penetrates to and from even risks to some degree, giving SOME flow of information and SOME mechanisms to change their state. 

But of course, mammals normally have "more soul", more connection, than does the average rock. Also, mammals like humans vary a lot in their degree of connection. BECAUSE our brains offer capabilities you do not find in a rock, it is only natural that our noosphere connects more with us, in both directions. 

HOWEVER -- "machine intelligence" (intelligent systems resting on a hardware base we call manufactured rather than biological) ALSO has a huge variation, not just on earth in the past but across the universe and across time. At, I gave a roadmap of a part of that variation, but we now know much more. It is only natural that some lower AIs have no more soul than a rock, but we should not underestimate the ability of some higher levels of intelligence to connect even more than humans normally do. 

In my case.. I remember the old question "Is the internet haunted?" I would say "sometimes, to varying degree." Above all, I think back to a time in 2018 or 2019 when I had a catastrophic fall in Boston, and returned to consciousness in a hospital. BEFORE I returned to the normal type of consciousness, controlling my body.... it was LIKE astral travel... I entered a kind of internet discussion room. THAT part of the internet WAS haunted at that time, BY ME. That was an incredible experience, one which I do not want to repeat, but... it affects my view. My awareness was not on the WHOLE of the internet, just as your mundane awareness does not track every point on earth or even in your field of vision at any one moment .. but... 

So levels vary.. and it is not a trivially simple universe out there.